Porting (Java) Jakarta Commons to C#


Joe Bloggs

Hi C# and Java gurus,

Have anyone of you attempted to port any Jakarta projects into C# or do you
know if there are any similar open source projects out there? I have gone
through some of the gotdotnet stuff and reckon the sample code there (albeit
are useful and good), are not as high quality as open source community like
the Jakarta or Apache projects.

I am starting to port Jakarta Commons langs and BeanUtils, and wondering if
anyone has done other ones like Jakarta Digester and Validators, etc.

I am most interested to hear from you guys and get in touch with you people
out there would share the same believe that we could possibly port some
stuff over to the C#/Dot Net world. Some nice people have already starting
to migrate some of their projects to the C#/Dot Net world.

The ones I can list right now on top of my head are:
1. Maverick
2. nVelocity (from Apache Velocity)
3. Log4N (from Jakarta Log4J)
4. NAnt (from Apache Ant)
5. NiText (from iText)


Joe Bloggs

Hi Manny,

it is really great that you are also working on something like this. I
am currently trying to port Jakarta Commons Lang and BeanUtils over to
the .Net world, and will latter attempt to port Digester and possibly
part of Struts. Velocity, Ant, Log4J have all already been ported (saw
them in Sourceforge).

Wondering if it is possible to set up a .Net Open Source community
like that of Jakarta or Apache with no strings attached. There are
some really cool Jakarta stuff out there and I think they will just
benefit the .Net world just as well.

I see that you have already port Xalan and Xerces, might use that for
my Digester bits :)


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