populating a subform



My DB has three linked tables, many forms and reports. I am building a new
form and i need a sub form to populate when I enter data in a text box on the
main form. both forms get thier info from the same table but there could be
three or four sets of records in the sub form that would be identified by the
field in the main form.
ex: main form has a text box for info 'a' there is fields b,c,d,& e in the
sub form.
the table would look something like (row 1) "a" = 234 B=456 c = 789 d=101112
e = 131415 (row 2) "a" =234 b= 171819 c = 212239 d= 333425 e=444546 This goes
on but the point is when I enter data in field "a" in the main form there may
be several matching records i need to populate in the sub form. I don't need
the info in field "a" to be in the sub form. I am at a loss, can anyone set
me in the right direction?


sorry, I've tried and read for days but after I posted this I think I found
the solution in a post after searching a different way. I still would like to
take this oppertunity to thank everyone for thier time and efforts to post so
much information. I've landed in a dream job, but I couldn't keep it without
everyone's help. READ! READ! and READ some more! Thanks a bunch

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