Populating a combobox within a form with concatenated data



Hi Everyone,

I am by no means an expert on VBA programming and was hoping someone
could help me out (am desperate!). Is there any way to populate a
ComboBox within a form with concatenated data? I am able to
concatenate data on a worksheet, but can't figure out how to
incorporate this function within a form. With prior assistance, I was
able to populate a ComboBox with "regular" worksheet data using the
following code:

Private Sub UserForm7Combobox1_Initialize()
Dim i As Long
Dim S1 As Worksheet

Set S1 = Worksheets("DataEntry")

For i = 2 To S1.Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row
UserForm7.ComboBox1.AddItem S1.Cells(i, 1).Value
Next i

End Sub
As written, the data in column "A" are just last names. I would like
to join that info with three other non-consecutive columns of data
(columns A,B,C,F) using a For/Next loop, like the one above.

If I were to do this on a worksheet (which I can't with this project)
it would look something like this: =concatenate (A2, ", " , B2, C2, ".
" , F2)
The first value returned in worksheet column "BD" would be equal to:
Neuman, Alfred E. 123456789

I would like to populate my ComboBox (using the above coding ) with the
concatenated data in column "BD" rather than column "A".

My main question is: can I just insert a single line of code to
concatenate my data into the above subroutine? If so, what would be
the correct syntax?

If I can get this figured out, the rest of my project will be a piece
of cake. Otherwise, I'm screwed!

Thank you for your time,



UserForm7.ComboBox1.AddItem S1.Cells(i, 1).Value
to look like this

UserForm7.ComboBox1.AddItem S1.Cells(i, 1) +
","+s1.cells(i,2)+s1.cells(i,3)+"," + s1.cells(i,6)

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