Populate dataform with combobox1.value



Ok. I give in. Tried for hours, and have search the forum and google.

Is it possible to populate a dataform with the combobox1 value. I can pick
up the value, but can't get it in to the dataform.

The code uses the form from the dropdown Data\Form. The form works thanks to
advice from Dave Peterson, however what I want to achieve is when the user
make a selection in the Combobox, they click on the update command button
which brings up the the dataform and the form default to the record
containing the value.
Possibly something along these line:

If ComboBox1.Value > -1 Then
With Dataform
SendKeys "%c"
' SendKeys "{%}" + c
..Add (ComboBox1.Value)
SendKeys "%P"
' SendKeys "{%}" + P
End With

End If

Any advice would be gratefully received.



You are getting astring back. Convert it to a date format using the
functtion datevalue. The data value string can be in any of the acceptabble
microsoft date formats.

mydate = datevalue("1/1/07")
I think for you code

..Add (datevalue(ComboBox1.Value))

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