Populate Combo Box with Values from CSV File



I have a combo box that I want to use an array of values from the first
column of a CSV file.

Workingfilename = "master.csv"
workinglocation = workingdir & Workingfilename

If IsFileOpen(workinglocation) = True Then

MsgBox ("The file is in use, wait a moment and try again.")
Exit Sub


Workbooks.Open (workinglocation)
On Error Resume Next
a = 1
cnt = 1

Do While Cells(a, 1) <> ""
a = a + 1
cnt = cnt + 1

Dim myrange As Range

Dim myArray()
Erase myArray 'incase it's already full

myArray = Workbooks("Master.csv").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(cnt, 1)).Values

Workbooks("Master.csv").Close True

Getesc.EscDrop.List = myArray


End If
End Sub

Any idea why it keeps coming up blank??

Dave Peterson


Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim WorkingFileName As String
Dim WorkingLocation As String
Dim WorkingDir As String
Dim CSVWks As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim myArray As Variant

WorkingDir = "c:\somestring\"

WorkingFileName = "master.csv"
WorkingLocation = WorkingDir & WorkingFileName

If IsFileOpen(WorkingLocation) = True Then
MsgBox "The file is in use, wait a moment and try again."
Exit Sub
Set CSVWks = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=WorkingLocation).Worksheets(1)
With CSVWks
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
myArray = .Range("A1:A" & LastRow).Value
.Parent.Close savechanges:=False
End With

Getesc.EscDrop.List = myArray
End If
End Sub

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