Pop-up that print a report....



Hello !

I Have a table with a ODBC link. I build a query and a report to get
the worker's schedules.

everything is working fine. The query looks up bewteen date to show the
results. A criteria «BETWEEN» is used in the query.

Is it possible to create a sort of pop-up window that would ask me
between what dates I would like the query to look for the worker's
scedule ?

What I would like is for the pop-up window to ask me between what dates
and when I would enter the two dates, the reports prints itself.

Can it be possible ?


Sorry abour my english, I'm french ! PLease don't hold that against me



Hi Marc,

your English is fine ;)

use a form to collect the criteria for your query


formname --> ReportMenu

textboxes (or comboboxes):

Name --> Date1

Name --> Date2

then, in the criteria cell for your query:

Between DateValue([forms]![ReportMenu]![Date1]) And

then, you could have a command button to process the request

if isnull(me.Date1) then
msgbox "You must specify a beginning date",,"Cannot show report"
exit sub
end if
if isnull(me.Date2) then
msgbox "You must specify an ending date",,"Cannot show report"
exit sub
end if

DoCmd.OpenQuery "queryname"

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


Avec plasir, Marc ;) happy to help

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com

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