Pop-Up Form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Renee
  • Start date Start date


I have a form called order form that has all our customer info for a
particular job we did with a subform that shows what unit went on the job and
what the rate is for the job, on the subform I have a field called 'rate'. I
would like to know if I can have another form pop up once someone types a
rate in this rate field so that we can enter a breakdown for the rate and
then have the form close until the next time a person types in that rate
field for the next job.

Is this at all possible?

Yes it's possible, but if I was desigining the form, instread of a popup
form, I'd use a subform.

God Bless,

Mark A. Sam
I already have the one subform and decided on the pop-up because of the lack
of room I already have on my form & subform. Can you explain to me how to do
the pop-up?
I already have the one subform and decided on the pop-up because of the lack
of room I already have on my form & subform.

You could use a Tab Control with five pages and have FIVE subforms, for far
less work (and a better user interface IMO) than a popup form.

If you really want a popup form you'll need to put two arguments into the
OpenForm method call: one a WhereCondition to open the form with the current
child records, and a second in the OpenArgs property to set the default value
for new ID's. What are the master and child link fields (or what would they be
if you had a subform)? What are the names of the forms, and the controls bound
to those fields?

Join explain it and I agree with using a tab control with subforms. You can
also stack subforms on top of each other making them visible or not visible
with coding (or macros). Popup forms are good if you know how to control
and reference them, but subforms are much easier to deal with if you lack

God Bless,

I know I've seen that you can make subform visible and not visible and that
does sound interesting. Is it easier then doing the pop-up? Will it
disappear once you move onto the next entry?

It is much easier than using a popup form. Popup forms aren't difficult if
you have experience with them, but if you need to get the job done, go with
the subform.

The subform won't become invisible or visible unless you tell it to like:

[SomeSubform].Visible = True or [SomeSubform].Visible = False

An easier methodology is to use a tab control and make the pages visible or
invisible. You can hide the tabs so the effect will be the same as stacking

God Bless,

I would really like it to be a pop-up form that opens once you fill in a
certain field and closes once you've entered the last field on the pop-up
form. I am sure I can figure out how to do it if you guided me through it a
bit. It would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Mark A. Sam said:

It is much easier than using a popup form. Popup forms aren't difficult if
you have experience with them, but if you need to get the job done, go with
the subform.

The subform won't become invisible or visible unless you tell it to like:

[SomeSubform].Visible = True or [SomeSubform].Visible = False

An easier methodology is to use a tab control and make the pages visible or
invisible. You can hide the tabs so the effect will be the same as stacking

God Bless,


ReneeD said:
I know I've seen that you can make subform visible and not visible and that
does sound interesting. Is it easier then doing the pop-up? Will it
disappear once you move onto the next entry?
The master & child link fields are Order ID To Order ID. The subform is
called Order Form F and the pop up form is called BreakfownF. I am not sure
what you mean when you are asking for the controls bound to those fields.

If you create the form and send the database to me, I'll set it up to do
that for you. That is much easier for me than trying to explain it on here.
If the tables are linked, you will have to kill the links and import the
tables into the database, and remove most of the records. I just need one
to work with.

Send it to MarkASam ***AT*** msn DOT com.

Remove the last letter of the database extension or Hotmail will not allow
it to be accessible, like .mdb to .md or .accdb to .accd

ReneeD said:
I would really like it to be a pop-up form that opens once you fill in a
certain field and closes once you've entered the last field on the pop-up
form. I am sure I can figure out how to do it if you guided me through it
bit. It would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Mark A. Sam said:

It is much easier than using a popup form. Popup forms aren't difficult
you have experience with them, but if you need to get the job done, go
the subform.

The subform won't become invisible or visible unless you tell it to like:

[SomeSubform].Visible = True or [SomeSubform].Visible = False

An easier methodology is to use a tab control and make the pages visible
invisible. You can hide the tabs so the effect will be the same as

God Bless,


ReneeD said:
I know I've seen that you can make subform visible and not visible and
does sound interesting. Is it easier then doing the pop-up? Will it
disappear once you move onto the next entry?



Join explain it and I agree with using a tab control with subforms.
also stack subforms on top of each other making them visible or not
with coding (or macros). Popup forms are good if you know how to
and reference them, but subforms are much easier to deal with if you

God Bless,


I already have the one subform and decided on the pop-up because of
of room I already have on my form & subform. Can you explain to me
the pop-up?



Yes it's possible, but if I was desigining the form, instread of a
form, I'd use a subform.

God Bless,

Mark A. Sam

I have a form called order form that has all our customer info for
particular job we did with a subform that shows what unit went on
what the rate is for the job, on the subform I have a field
would like to know if I can have another form pop up once someone
rate in this rate field so that we can enter a breakdown for the
then have the form close until the next time a person types in
field for the next job.

Is this at all possible?