poor quality pictures on web sits



on every web page i go on i am having to press shift+a to improve the picture
quality, i have to do this on every page. its very annoying. how to i make
it so i dont have to ores the darn shift key??? the grapics seem very blurred
and not clear.


mills said:
on every web page i go on i am having to press shift+a to improve the
quality, i have to do this on every page. its very annoying. how to i
make it so i dont have to ores the darn shift key??? the grapics seem very
blurred and not clear.

You forgot to tell us how you connect to the Internet. If you connect using
dialup, you're probably using a "web accelerator" from your ISP. These
"accelerator" programs give the illusion that your connection is faster by
compressing images; IOW you are downloading less data and therefore things
seem faster. Naturally the images will be blurry or pixelated because not
all the original data is downloaded. If this is your case, then turn off
the web accelerator software. Refer to your ISP's support pages if you
don't know how to do this.

If this isn't your case, then please provide the missing details such as how
you connect to the Internet (method/ISP), what browser you are using, if it
happens with all browsers, and the answer to The First Question of
Troubleshooting: assuming the issue didn't always exist, what changed
between the time things worked and the time they didn't?



thanksyou for your response.
im not the most computer literate girl. im using a broad band dongle thing
from T mobile, Im using fire fox, and also tried explorer and it still does
the same?



mills said:
thanksyou for your response.
im not the most computer literate girl. im using a broad band dongle
thing from T mobile, Im using fire fox, and also tried explorer and it
still does the same?

Check with T-mobile tech support then. I don't know what a "broad band
dongle thing" is but your Internet Service Provider (from where you got it)
will and will also know about known issues.


Mick Murphy

A dongle is similar to a wireless USB thing in a laptop!
I still have photos of them in my old IT study books!


Mick said:
A dongle is similar to a wireless USB thing in a laptop!
I still have photos of them in my old IT study books!

I actually know what a dongle is, Mick. The point was that the OP wasn't
very descriptive about her hardware. In any case, I feel her next step is
to contact the ISP anyway.


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