Poor array performance

  • Thread starter John Mark Howell
  • Start date

Paul Kline

Hi John,

A couple things, you might want to use System.Diagnostics.StopWatch to
do benchmarks. its more accurate.

If you need some really powerful and fast arrays and collections, I
suggest you look at Wintellect's Powercollections. (Free too to boot!)

I had a customer call about some C# code they had put together that was
handling some large arrays. The performance was rather poor. The C# code
runs in about 22 seconds and the equivalent C++.Net code runs in 0.3
seconds. Can someone help me understand why the C# code performance is so
poor? I rewote the C# code to use a single dimenional array and the time
went down to about 3 seconds, but that's still no explaination as to why the
two dimenional array performance is so bad. I tried this on both C# 1.1 and
C# 2.0.

The original code was:

public void TestLoop4OldMethod()
double[,] emisbase = new double[1000,8784];
double[,] vombase = new double[1000,8784];
int Iteration_Index;
int Hourly_Index;
double differenceInSeconds;
DateTime myDateTime1;
DateTime myDateTime2;

myDateTime1 = DateTime.UtcNow;
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 10; )
for (Hourly_Index = 0; Hourly_Index < 8784; )
for (Iteration_Index = 0; Iteration_Index < 1000; )
emisbase[Iteration_Index, Hourly_Index] = Iteration_Index *
vombase[Iteration_Index, Hourly_Index] = emisbase[Iteration_Index,
//Console.WriteLine("Here we are - Loop 4: {0}", i1);
myDateTime2 = DateTime.UtcNow;
TimeSpan ts = myDateTime2 - myDateTime1;
differenceInSeconds = ts.TotalMilliseconds / 1000;

Console.WriteLine("RunTime in Seconds - Left Most Index + array
reference: {0} ", differenceInSeconds);
Console.WriteLine(" ");

It runs in about 22 seconds. Here I rewrote the code in C++ and it runs in
0.3 seconds:

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
int Iteration_Index;
int Hourly_Index;
double differenceInSeconds;
DateTime myDateTime1;
DateTime myDateTime2;

double * emisbase = new double[1000,8784];
double * vombase = new double[1000,8784];

myDateTime1 = DateTime::UtcNow;
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 10; )
for (Hourly_Index = 0; Hourly_Index < 8784; Hourly_Index++)
for (Iteration_Index = 0; Iteration_Index < 1000; Iteration_Index++)
emisbase[Iteration_Index, Hourly_Index] = Iteration_Index *
vombase[Iteration_Index, Hourly_Index] = emisbase[Iteration_Index,
//Console::Write(S"Here we are - Loop 4: ");
myDateTime2 = DateTime::UtcNow;
TimeSpan ts = myDateTime2 - myDateTime1;
differenceInSeconds = ts.TotalMilliseconds / 1000;

Console::Write(S"RunTime in Seconds - Left Most Index + array reference:

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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