Pointing at code behinh in User Control-C#



I have built a user control. When a button is clicked I want it to go
to a subroutine in the code behind. But it wants me to put it in the
asp code as a script. So how do I point to the code in the other file.
I have tried things and all I get is other errors.

I want to fix this error, but it has to find it in the code behind.

Error 4 'ASP.WebUserControl' does not contain a definition for
'Button1_Click' C:\Documents and Settings\kevinrep\My
Documents\Visual Studio 2005\WebSites\NewProp\Companies.ascx 31

This is probably something simple, but I just do not know what to do.


Mark Fitzpatrick

Are you referencing the file with the new CodeFile attribute of the Page
Directive? Also, make sure that the class in the codefile is declared as a
partial class.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage



I figured it out by creating a new user control. The wizard had on
option to create a code behind file. So I recreated the user control
by copying everything in the new user control and copying the code I
needed to the new user control code file. Then I excluded the old user
control from the project so that I could rename the new control to the
original name. Then I had to clean up the renaming in some of the
files to the new name. It worked.

The reason I did all that is that I did not know how to create the C#
code fine in the project. I knew I had to use the CodeFile attribute
and Inherits attribute, but I did not know what to put in them. Now I

Now I have another problem so I guess I will have to make a new post if
I can not figure it out.

Thanks for getting back to me.


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