Pointer problems



Hello. I know this is a lot to read but i have searched for a fix for this
problem but not found any. Here is the problem;
A customer had a problem with the mouse pointer, the problem was that it
stopped moving for about 1 second then continue to work as normal. This
problem happend almost once every minute, sometimes more. There were alot of
programs installed on the computer that were running as processes. We decided
that a complete reinstall of windows maybe would help. So I formated the
drive and installed windows XP again. Installed all the drivers for the
harddrive and presto! The problem was there again. If I look in the task
manager I cant see any process that runs up in cpu ussage during the "hang"
of the pointer but in performance the cpu rushes up to 100% when the problem
accures. So I tried playing a DVD film too see if the problem also accures to
video and audio, it does. The movie freezes and the sound hangs exactly at
the same time as the pointer, then contiune as normal. He had servicepack 1
installed a time ago and he says that there were no problems back then. All
that is "special" about this machine is that it uses promise fasttrak 133
raid controller everything else is ordinary hardware. Hope you got some tips
for me.

Alan Edwards

What sort of mouse?
If optical, then what sort of surface is it running on?
If patterned, try a plain surface.



It is optical MS mouse running on normal mice mat. This is not the problem
tried with different mouses and the problem is still there.

Dick Cardy

Magnus said:
Hello. I know this is a lot to read but i have searched for a fix for this
problem but not found any. Here is the problem;

You do not say which type of mouse you have but this is what I would try
{sorry if some suggestions are stupid but it is easy to overlook the

1. Try a different mouse

2. Try a different type of mouse if current PS/2 use a USB mouse or vice

3 Check that nothing else is using the same IRQ

4 Try a normal non-RAID Hard Disk to see if it is a RAID controller problem



Problem solved. Apperently the customer had changed his videocard to a
Geforce 6600GT and used this on his MSI 845PE MAX2, this caused the system to
freeze from time to time in 1 second.

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