Plug and Play?



Great news, I got a DVD RW and a new 120g hard drive
for Christmas. I installed them making sure the jumpers
were set properly and the original HD's jumper was set
properly as well as the CD Rom. So, now I have the
original HD as my C: drive, the original CD ROM as my D:
drive and as the hardware manager states the new DVD is
E: and the new HD is F: both are working as per Device
Manager, yet neither show up in "My Computer". This
computer is networked and the new drives show up
in "Explore all users" on the other computers. Both of
the new drives funtion from the other computers on the
network. Why don't they show up on "My Computer" on the
computer they were installed on?

Sharon F

Great news, I got a DVD RW and a new 120g hard drive
for Christmas. I installed them making sure the jumpers
were set properly and the original HD's jumper was set
properly as well as the CD Rom. So, now I have the
original HD as my C: drive, the original CD ROM as my D:
drive and as the hardware manager states the new DVD is
E: and the new HD is F: both are working as per Device
Manager, yet neither show up in "My Computer". This
computer is networked and the new drives show up
in "Explore all users" on the other computers. Both of
the new drives funtion from the other computers on the
network. Why don't they show up on "My Computer" on the
computer they were installed on?

If TweakUI is installed, are there any drive letters unchecked under My
Computer? What does Disk Management in Administrative tools show for these


Disk Management shows that they are there and are just fine and dandy. Also, if I go to "Explore entire Network" they are there as well. The only place they don't show up is in "My Computer" and in Explore (local). I just tried to reinstall Windows and it caused more problems than it fixed ... Now I have no internet access on the computer in question ... and it says that it can't open the Remote Access manager .... Were is Bill when you just need to throttle someone

If TweakUI is installed, are there any drive letters unchecked under M
Computer? What does Disk Management in Administrative tools show for thes

Sharon F

Disk Management shows that they are there and are just fine and dandy.
Also, if I go to "Explore entire Network" they are there as well. The
only place they don't show up is in "My Computer" and in Explore
(local). I just tried to reinstall Windows and it caused more problems
than it fixed ... Now I have no internet access on the computer in
question ... and it says that it can't open the Remote Access manager
.... Were is Bill when you just need to throttle someone?

Have you partitioned and formatted the 120GB drive yet? If yes, with what
tools? Also, does Disk Management show this drive as a basic disk or
dynamic disk?

For the DVD drive, check the manufacturer's website for a firmware update.
When I installed mine, it showed up as a plain CDrom drive. Once the
firmware update was applied, it was listed in Explorer properly.

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