PLS HELP - Using dialog box..




I'm doing vba with Access 2000. Am kinda lost now..
I got this problem here. I got this user interface which needs to have a
dialog box for the user to chose the path/directory of a folder which
contains a number of files(.xls) which is needed to be import.

I tried using:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim fDlg As CommonDialog
Set fDlg = New CommonDialog
End Sub

but using this method, it does not stop at the folder. It will open the
folder containing the files(.xls) and not selecting the entire folder..

How do I programme it??

I didn't find any control at the Toolbox for a Dialogbox.. The method I'm
using require a button, on-click then pop up the dialog box..

Is there any way I could have the dialog box already there at form load?
Also.. Can the dialogbox be like a 'drop-down'? [eg. With a small arrow on
the right, once click, the directory can be chose]
Some thing similar to how we normally open our files in MS Words/Access etc.
(but don't need to be so complex)
Izit possible? Pls help....

Thanx a million..


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