Usman Ghani
Hi All,
Please help me to develop this one page please.
I have a page on which I have a label control, just one label with no
Next I start a loop to read the headers of emails and during each loop
round, I add rows to table. Now ok this plain text et addition is not a
problem. In one cell I want to add a check box at run time and here
know how to that.
Just to give u an idea I am pasting code for somethng else which has teh
same concept.
In a string variable how to store " double coutes and how to give a
ID to a control created each time. Do I need to create a checkbox
array? Once controls are there I am sure I will be able go through them
by one and see which one was checked, please guys I will be really thank
full if you people can help me here pls.
Best Regards,
Dim subTotal As Decimal, table As String
table = "<TABLE BORDER='1'1><TR>"
table = table & "<TD><B>Product Name</B></TD><TD><B>Quantity</B></TD>"
table = table & "<TD><B>Price</B></TD><TD><B>Subtotal</B></TD>"
While Reader.Read
table = table & "<TR><TD>
ProdName = Reader.Item("ProductName")
ProdID = Reader.Item("ProductID")
ProdPrice = REader.Item("UnitPrice")
table = table & prodName & "</TD>"
table = table & "<TD ALIGN= 'right'>" & Session(CStr(prodID)) & "</TD>"
table = table & "<TD ALIGN= 'right'>" & prodPrice & "</TD>"
subTota; = prodPrice * Session(CStr(prodID))
table = table & '<TD ALIGN= 'right'> & subtotal & "</TD></TR>"
total = total + subTotal
End While
table = table & "</TABLE>"
table = table & "<P><B>Your total is " & total.ToString & "</B></P>"
lblBasket.Text = table
Please help me to develop this one page please.
I have a page on which I have a label control, just one label with no
Next I start a loop to read the headers of emails and during each loop
round, I add rows to table. Now ok this plain text et addition is not a
problem. In one cell I want to add a check box at run time and here
know how to that.
Just to give u an idea I am pasting code for somethng else which has teh
same concept.
In a string variable how to store " double coutes and how to give a
ID to a control created each time. Do I need to create a checkbox
array? Once controls are there I am sure I will be able go through them
by one and see which one was checked, please guys I will be really thank
full if you people can help me here pls.
Best Regards,
Dim subTotal As Decimal, table As String
table = "<TABLE BORDER='1'1><TR>"
table = table & "<TD><B>Product Name</B></TD><TD><B>Quantity</B></TD>"
table = table & "<TD><B>Price</B></TD><TD><B>Subtotal</B></TD>"
While Reader.Read
table = table & "<TR><TD>
ProdName = Reader.Item("ProductName")
ProdID = Reader.Item("ProductID")
ProdPrice = REader.Item("UnitPrice")
table = table & prodName & "</TD>"
table = table & "<TD ALIGN= 'right'>" & Session(CStr(prodID)) & "</TD>"
table = table & "<TD ALIGN= 'right'>" & prodPrice & "</TD>"
subTota; = prodPrice * Session(CStr(prodID))
table = table & '<TD ALIGN= 'right'> & subtotal & "</TD></TR>"
total = total + subTotal
End While
table = table & "</TABLE>"
table = table & "<P><B>Your total is " & total.ToString & "</B></P>"
lblBasket.Text = table