Pls clarify


Gopal Prabhakaran

Dear Guys

Equalant to OnError Resume Next in .net

My problem is : if error is found, it must contiune from next line. Like
OnError Resume Next in vb

Gopal Prabhakaran

Peter Rilling

The only way to do this is to wrap each statement that might throw an
exception in its own try...catch block with an empty catch statement.

Gopal Prabhakaran

Dear Peter Rilling

pls give me some exampls or some articles website address.


Champika Nirosh

This eaxmple illustrate what Peter is saying

System.IO.FileInfo Info = new System.IO.FileInfo(tstrFileName);//This
may throw a exeption since file might not be exist
catch ()

string a = "hello";
string b = "How are you";
MessageBox.Show(a + ", " + b); //Even a file not found exception occured,
this line still be executed


Gopal Prabhakaran

Dear Champika Nirosh

line 1: --------------------------//Assume that This may throw a
line 2 : ------------------------
line 3 : -----------------------//Assume that This may throw a exeption
line 4 : ------------------------
catch ()

Is there any possiable that when line 1 and line 3 throws exeption , it
must excute the line 2 and line 4.
and finally i want to write the exeption message in log file


Champika Nirosh

string lstrError;
line 1: --------------------------//Assume that This may throw a
catch (System.Exception e1)
lstrError = e1.Message;
line 2 : ------------------------
line 3 : -----------------------//Assume that This may throw a exeption
catch (System.Exception e2)
lstrError += "\n" + e2.Message;
line 4 : ------------------------

That's All


Champika Nirosh

Same time Please note that this is possible only if the line 2 and 4 has no
effect at all from the exceptions occured at line 1 and 3. but if they have
any effect then you may have to handle the exception accoringly


Gopal Prabhakaran

Dear Champika Nirosh

Is there any other way ? say i have 100 lines what should i do ? i don't
know which line will throw error ?

Pls tell me other way ?


Champika Nirosh

I think you got to know about the code you are writing so there you should
know which line throw a exception, again your requirement also quite

I am not sure how you are executing a line while ignoring the exception
thrown by the previous line I mean these line should have some relation.. I
guess this has something to do with the initial design of the system.

Please get me more specific data then I can try to help you.

If you have already given the full detail the solution is cathing all the
exception thrown by each line (even though there are 100 lines). I mean not
all lines throw exception so you got to find which line throw exceptions ..
lines like string s = "hello"; will not throw a exception at any rate.


Gopal Prabhakaran

Dear Champika Nirosh

When I try to add a record in a table (' using funtion zAddRec which shown
below'), Say if some other user has locked the table . I have to wait for
some time ,and i want to add the record after he releases the lock

how to proceed with managed exception.

Example :

Private Function zAddRec(sod As tsod) As Boolean
zAddRec = False
On Error GoTo err1
If Not RsAddNew(mytbl) Then Exit Function
mytbl!Fiscalyear = sod.Fiscalyear
mytbl!CusAcNo = NTrim(sod.CusAcNo)
mytbl!SoNo = NTrim(sod.SoNo)
mytbl!Slno = NTrim(sod.Slno)
If Not RsUpdate(mytbl) Then Exit Function
zAddRec = True
Exit Function
gERC = ErrDetails(" B1SOD AddRec")
Select Case gERC
Case gResume: Resume
Case gResumeNext: Resume Next
Case gEnd: End
Case gCxlUpdate: 'IF APPL write code here
Case gUptoU: 'Code here Context sensitive
Case gExit: 'Do nothing (Drops down)
End Select
Exit Function
End Function


Public Function ErrDetails%(ByVal Prochead$)
Dim fno%
Dim Ans As Long
ErrDetails = gExit
If Err.Number > 0 Then
If Err.Number > 3000 And Err.Number < 3999 Then

Select Case Err.Number
Case 3020 'using update without edit/addnew
ErrBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
ErrDetails = gEnd
Case 3197
Ans = MsgBox("Data has been changed by another
user,Overwrite changes ?", vbYesNo)
If Ans = vbYes Then
ErrDetails = gResume
ErrDetails = gCxlUpdate
End If
Case Else
ErrBox Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description
ErrDetails = gExit
End Select
ErrBox Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description
ErrDetails = gUptoU
End If
fno = FreeFile
Open oSession.Path & "Err.Txt" For Append As #fno
Close #fno
End If
End Function


Gopal Prabhakaran

Carsten Posingies

Gopal said:
Dear Champika Nirosh

When I try to add a record in a table (' using funtion zAddRec which
shown below'), Say if some other user has locked the table . I have
to wait for some time ,and i want to add the record after he
releases the lock

how to proceed with managed exception.

Example :


10 Was your example just a generic example?
20 If not:
30 Are you sure you've understood how the .NET framework handles
database I/O?
40 If not: Read the MSDN, GoTo 30

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