Please Help!!!



I made a box with values(e.g. N = No Work, 1 = New Ceiling Tile, 2 = New etc.). How do I write a function so that it will check all the values. The only thing I remember from school is else or elseif statements. Can you do those in Excel or is there just some way I'm naive to?

Ron de Bruin


Not sure I understand your question ?

You posted in programming so I give you a code example
Do you need that??

You can use the change event with Select Case

Here is a example that use the Change event of the worksheet
Right click on a sheet tab and choose view code.
Paste the event in there and press Alt-Q to go back to Excel.

This will only work in a1:a20

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Application.Intersect(Range("a1:a20"), Target) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target.Value
Case "N"
Target.Value = "No Work"
Case 1
Target.Value = "New Ceiling Tile"
Case 2
Target.Value = "New ...."
End Select
End If
End Sub

Regards Ron de Bruin

hbk said:
I made a box with values(e.g. N = No Work, 1 = New Ceiling Tile, 2 = New etc.). How do I write a function so that it will check
all the values. The only thing I remember from school is else or elseif statements. Can you do those in Excel or is there just
some way I'm naive to?

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