Please help



Hi Experts,

I had an Access database running on my old computer (Windows 98) all working
fine, recently i had purchase a new computer (Windows XP) and i try to move
the old access db to the new computer that all went smoothly too. When i
tried to run the database the messageboxes appear said
"C:\ClientsDB\Info\database.mdb" was not found but the database in my new pc
is not even in those path it is under my document and settings folder. The
reason i put it there because i only want myself to have access to that

My question is how can I tells the database to reference the new one say
from "C:\ClientsDB\Info\database.mdb" to "C:\Documents and

Can anyone point me to the right direction.

Thanks in advance.

Douglas J Steele

Take a look at the Linked Table Manager.

You don't mention what version of Access you're using. Depending on version,
the Linked Table Manager will be either under Tools | Add-ins, or Tools |
Database Utilities



Thanks for a quick reply, with the new pc i am currently using Access 2003
and the old one i am using Access XP. It run alright in Windows XP.

How can i see Tools | Add-ins, or Tools | Database Utilities because there
is no such menu. I think this is a compile access database that why i can
see the standard access office menu but why with an extension of .mdb

Any idea.


Douglas J. Steele

Perhaps the normal menus have been replaced. Try holding down the shift key
while opening the database: that should override the startup options.


Hi Douglas,

Wow, i learned something new today - didn't know that i could hold down the
shift key while open the database. From here i should manage to find my way

Many many thanks

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