Please help



I have a textbox that holds a product code called txtDtlProdCode.Tex
I insert the values into SQLCE and populate a list view lstOrdersDt
I then check to see that the product code in txtDtlProdCode.Text is in lstOrdersDtl and throw a message if it exists
I then want to find and set the lstOrderDtl.FullRowSelect to the particular item in lstOrdersDtl. I want to do this without a DB Call. Can I

Can i use something along the lines of...

Alex Feinman [MVP]

foreach( ListViewItem item in lstOrdersDtl.Items.Items )
item.Selected = item.Text == txtDtlProdCode.Text;

bool bFound = lstOrdersDtl.SelectedIndices.Count > 0;

Of course you can also match the text to the subitem text instead of item

Alex Feinman
marcmc said:
I have a textbox that holds a product code called txtDtlProdCode.Text
I insert the values into SQLCE and populate a list view lstOrdersDtl
I then check to see that the product code in txtDtlProdCode.Text is in
lstOrdersDtl and throw a message if it exists.
I then want to find and set the lstOrderDtl.FullRowSelect to the
particular item in lstOrdersDtl. I want to do this without a DB Call. Can I?

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