Please help with an 'impossible' error!



Hi all,

I am getting the following runtime error:

"Cannot perform '=' operation on System.DateTime and System.Int32."

But I can't understand where the Int32 is coming from!!

The code is:

Drv("Editor") = Me.Recorder.Text
Drv("CompletedDateTime") = Me.DateTime.Value

So, I am setting the value of the CompletedDateTime column to the value
of a DateTime control on the form.

Strange, because in the code (on a different table, but the same
DateTime control it works perfectly: Drv("DateTime") = DateTime.Value

So - why is there a problem, and where is the System.Int32 it is
talking about?!?

When I debug during runtime, the value returned from Me.DateTime.Value
is #12/01/2006# and so on.

Even when I rewrite the code to:
Drv("CompletedDateTime") = #12/01/2006#
It still causes the same error!

I'm tearing my hair out here.. any help much appreciated.


Cor Ligthert [MVP]


Can you show us how you have instansed "your" object "DateTime" and what it

The drv("Editor") item shows you a column with type DateTime with its
default value.

In another way tell us what you want to achieve.



Thanks for the reply,

"CompletedDateTime" is a column in an SQL database, of type Smalldate.
"Editor" is just a string (and it is working fine)..

Me.DateTime.Value refers to a Winforms DateTimePicker control.

Cor Ligthert [MVP]


I would not name a DateTimePicker control DateTime, it is probably asking
for troubles.

DateTime is one of the main Types.



Again, thanks for the ideas.. OK, I've changed the name of my Winforms
control to dtp1... but still no luck..
With some experimenting in my SQL database I located where the problem

The "CompletedDateTime" field in the table is allowed to be null. When
i first populated the table, I left this field NULL, and it is set as a
'not required' field. If I go manually and change the data in SQL
server, from NULL to give it a date e.g. 12/2/2008 12:00:00AM it works
perfectly, no errors!

But when i edit the datarowview with
Drv("CompletedDateTime") = Me.DateTime.Value
well, it causes the error if the dataset field was previously NULL. if
it was previously set to a date, it works fine.

Would greatly appreciate some help!!

Many thanks!

Cor Ligthert [MVP]


May I assume this is
Drv("CompletedDateTime") = Me.DateTime.Value
Drv("CompletedDateTime") = dtp1.value

If the type of drv is DateTime, than it should in my opinion no proglem.

You can see this by"CompletedDateTime").GetType.ToString)

I hope this helps,



OK problem solved - thanks for all the help! I was about to completely
give up!

In a previous section of code, I had the following:

Dv.RowFilter = "Isnull(CompletedDateTime, -1) = -1"

Now, I changed that to:

Dv.RowFilter = "Isnull(CompletedDateTime, 01/01/0001) =

And there are no problems. I wonder why though? I thought "Isnull"
simply returned whatever value you set if the column is null?

Is there any workaround, or do I always haveto use a ficticious date
with Isnull? (e.g. do I have to set it as 01/01/0001, or can I use a
string or something else??)

Anyway thank you.

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