Please help with a MODPROF problem



Hi all,
Seems funny that trying to make one(1) change to an existing Outlook profile can be so difficult with ModProf.
All I want to do is change the Exchange server name (a post migration project)
I can get the util to create a new profile and point to the right service ok.
Most of the time I can only manage to get a new profile created, even with the same name for the profile specified as it deletes the original and recreates one with the same name.
This means that any extra customisations are lost. (NOT GOOD).
As soon as I try and use the
*ModifyExistingProfileIfPresent=True* with *OverwriteExistingService=Yes*, modprof fails with a
*Unable to get unique identifier for [Microsoft Outlook Client]
and on the next line
*ObtainUIDfromSz[] - [0x8004010f]*

I think I am confused with the usage of the .prf file and its possible settings.
Here is my attempt so far

; ************************************************************************
; Section 1 - Profile defaults.
; ************************************************************************

; -- Required. Indicates that this is a customized PRF file.
;ProfileName=Microsoft Outlook

; ************************************************************************
; Section 2 - Services in profile.
; ************************************************************************
; The list of MAPI services that will be added to the profile.

[Service List]
Service1=Microsoft Outlook Client
Service2=Microsoft Exchange Server
Service3=Outlook Address Book
Service4=Personal Folders
Service5=Internet E-mail
; If you add an Internet E-mail service, you also have to add an Account in
; section 3.

; ************************************************************************
; Section 3 - List of internet accounts.
; The list of accounts that will be created.

[Internet Account List]

; ************************************************************************
; Section 4 - Default values for each service.
; ************************************************************************

; No settings configured.

; Required.
; -- The name of the Microsoft Exchange Server the user should
; connect to. You can specify any Microsoft Exchange Server
; in your site, and the correct Home Server will be assigned
; when the user first logs on.

; -- Dummy property. Do not delete or modify.

; The directories in the path to the personal folders must already exist

' The AccountName has to match the Account name in Section 5.
LongAccountName=Internet E-mail - PopAccount
; The LongAccountName always has to be "Internet E-mail -" + <space> + AccountName

Please Help.


I haven't found the answer to this problem yet, but I have decided to work around the problem by using a DNS alias to point the clients to the new server while using the old server name.
I can then reconfigure the outlook clients by hand as time goes by, and eventually remove the DNS alias.

Shame that nobody could help with MODPROF so far...

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