please help me program excel to scan for top 10 highest values




Please help.

I'm trying to program Excel to run down a column of values, taking the top
10 highest values and populating another worksheet with the adjacent
reference for these values.

For example

If I have company registration numbers in one column and their corresponding
credit risk ratings in another column, I want excel to populate another
worksheet with the registration numbers of the top 10 most risky companies .

I can do this manually, but I want add a button so that my colleagues can
perform the same action with exactly the same result.

Any hints would be much appreciated and I would be willing to make a donation

Many thanks in advance, Nick


Select you data then do

in the column with the risk numbers, select the dropdown and select Top 10.

If you need a macro, then turn on the macro recorder (tools=>Macro=>Record a
new macro), then perform the action manually. (after the rows are hidden to
reveal only the top 10, then click in the data, do Ctrl+Shift+8 to select all
the data and do edit => copy , then go to the new sheet and do edit =>paste
==> that is if you still think you need to copy the data). No go back to the
data and do Data=>Filter to turn off the autofilter, then turn off the macro

Now go to the VBE (Alt+F11) and look at the recorded code. That is pretty
much what you want - again if you still want a code approach.



You can have a macro if you want one but this is less work and guaranteed to
give repeatable results.

Risk rating in column C
Company name in column D

This in E1
Drag down to E10 for top ten risks.



The results will be repeatable, but may be repeatably incorrect if any of the
companies in the top 10 share the same risk rating.


agreed thanks for that

Tom Ogilvy said:
The results will be repeatable, but may be repeatably incorrect if any of the
companies in the top 10 share the same risk rating.


Many thanks Tom I will try this asap

Tom Ogilvy said:
The results will be repeatable, but may be repeatably incorrect if any of the
companies in the top 10 share the same risk rating.

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