Please help me on an excel spreadsheet for work


Hayden Fox

So I have this spreadsheet.
In COLUMN A, there is a list of cells containing numeric & tex
information. For example:

Column A/Row 1 = 123456 Keyboards, Black
Column A/Row 2 = 1234 Mice, Black
Column A/Row 3 = 12345 Monitors, Gray

In COLUMN B, there is a repeated list of text all the way down th
column. For example:

Column B/Row 1 = Text""Text
Column B/Row 2 = Text""Text
Column B/Row 3 = Text""Text

My goal here is to take the numeric portion from each cell in Column
and place that numeric portion in between the Quotation Marks ("") i
the corresponding cell in Column B.

I tried to use the Help feature but after one hour of trying that stil
have no luck. Please help me if you can. I will pay you back someda
somehow if you do


So, Text""Text is the same all the way down? Can you tell us what this
is - it will be easier to build it into a formula for your use. Also,
is there always a space after the digits in column A? How many rows of
data do you have?


Ron Rosenfeld

So I have this spreadsheet.
In COLUMN A, there is a list of cells containing numeric & text
information. For example:

Column A/Row 1 = 123456 Keyboards, Black
Column A/Row 2 = 1234 Mice, Black
Column A/Row 3 = 12345 Monitors, Gray

In COLUMN B, there is a repeated list of text all the way down the
column. For example:

Column B/Row 1 = Text""Text
Column B/Row 2 = Text""Text
Column B/Row 3 = Text""Text

My goal here is to take the numeric portion from each cell in Column A
and place that numeric portion in between the Quotation Marks ("") in
the corresponding cell in Column B.

I tried to use the Help feature but after one hour of trying that still
have no luck. Please help me if you can. I will pay you back someday
somehow if you do.

If your numbers are always at the beginning of the strings in Column A, and if
your format in column B always has the two double quotes together, then:

=LEFT(B2,FIND("""",B1))&LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)-1)&MID(B1,FIND("""",B1)+1,255)


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