PLEASE HELP ME. NOW !!! Need help setting a condition within a que



I am trying to fill a query field based on entries in other fields.

FirstSavings,SecondSavings, and ThirdSavings are fields in the table call

I created fooquery to select FirstSavings,SecondSavings, and ThirdSavings
from fooTable. I want to add another query field called
fooquery.CurrentSavings that will
pick the latest dollar amount of the three fields and put the value into

Please look at the example below to an idea of what I mean.



FirstSavings SecondSavings ThirdSavings CurrentSavings
123 433 345
123 0 0
564 589


Step away from the keyboard! You are trying to "commit spreadsheet". Your
table has serious normalization problems and just will NOT work correctly in
a relational database. Period.

That you have fields named FirstSavings,SecondSavings, and ThirdSavings
makes it almost certain that you have a normalization problem. What happens
to all of your Forms, Reports, and Queries when someone decides that you need
a FourthSavings field? If your tables were properly normalized, your query
would be very easy to do using a Totals query. With your current setup, it's
going to be very difficult to nearly impossible.

I highly suggest getting some relational database training or reading
"Database Design for Mere Mortals" by Hernandez before proceeding any further
on this database.

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