Please help! Interface Design



I need to create an interface in Access 2007 for a non profit organization.
Just to give you a little background information, this organization gives
money and housing services to clients who can't afford them or need them.
Now, I've already got two tables made - CLIENT INFO & SERVICES for that
client (just to let you know), and I've already made a form with client info
& each client's services.
I've worked with switchboards before but I am not familiar with the way they
want me to do this interface. Here's how it needs to be:
1. It needs to have 2 sections or buttons: CLIENTS and SERVICES
2. When I click on the CLIENTS button, I need it set up so that when I type
in a client's ID Number (which was automatically assigned in the CLIENTS
table I already made), it brings up that client's personal information in the
form I've already made (that way they can edit it if they need to). IF NO
CLIENT ID NUMBER IS ENTERED, I need so that it will bring up a blank version
of that form I've created.
3. Now, for the SERVICES section: When a client clicks on the SERVICES
button, or whatever, I need it to bring up a BLANK version of the SERVICES
section of the form I've created so the client can add other services they've

I know this is a lot of information, but if someone tells me at least how to
GET STARTED, that would be a GREAT help because I am on a deadline.
Thank You Very Much!
(If you need me to give you any more information, just say so & I will reply)

Pieter Wijnen

In not so many words;
Create an unbound TextBox Control (Or Combobox) on Your Forms ClientSel /
In the After_Update Event of The ClientSel Type Code similar to this:

Private Sub ClientSel_AfterUpdate()
Dim RsC As DAO.Recordset

Set RsC = Me.RecordSetClone
RsC.FindFirst "ClientID=" & Me.ClientSel.Value
If Not RsC.NoMatch
Me.BookMark = RsC.BookMark
' .... Set Focus or whatever
VBA.MsgBox "Could Not locate Client", VBA.vbInformation, "Client ID:"
& Me.ClientSel.Value
End If
Me.ClientSel = Null
Set RsC = Nothing 'Always Prudent to do HouseCleaning
End Sub



PS I leave the Service part as an exercise for the student <g>

PPS There's a lot of Good & Simple Code Samples out there
a great place to start is

Lastly I'm glad somebody finally does something for:
"..and housing services to clients who can't afford them or *need* them" <g>


I'm a novice in coding so I would appreciate it if you could explain what to
do with the coding, step by step. If you could that'd be great Thanks!

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