Please help! Having trouble w/ sending & recieving



I am currently using microsoft outlook 2002. I was doing
fine with sending and recieving emails until about 2 weeks
ago. I am getting eror messages saying that some of my
emails did not reach the recpients, with no spcific
reason. The weird thing is, I have sent these people
emails all the time before. None of my settings have been
changed at all. The funny part is that some people even
try to email me and there emails get bounced back to them,
with the same eror messages that I get. Can anyone help


Patricia Cardoza [Outlook MVP]

Can you post the test of the undeliverable messages you're getting?

Patricia Cardoza
Outlook MVP
Author - Special Edition Using Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
Lead Author - Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
Author - Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft OneNote 2003


Angie...I am having the identical problem although with
Outlook 2000, but in addition when creating new messages
it locks any info you get will be great...

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