Please help!! Error message - can't get rid of it!


neil brown

Whenever I try and run a project in VB.NET 2003, all i get is:

"An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in
Unknown Module.

Additional information: The parameter is incorrect."


"An unhandled exception of type
'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in Unknown Module.

Additional information: Cannot create a file when that file already exists."

I have tried re-installing the .NET Framework and VS .NET 2003, but to no

Please help!!!

Thanks in advance

Neil Brown

Chris Barber

Windows XP with SP2 by any chance?

"An unhandled exception of type
'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in Unknown Module.

Additional information: Cannot create a file when that file already exists."

I've only seen this error occur on XP with SP2 in third party COM components such as ESRI's ActiveX
Connector - not sure why or even how to fix it. In my view SP2 can only be relied on to turn your PC
into a large paperweight (and I am a staunch MS fan / developer).

Try catching the exception and inspecting the error message that the COM component raised eg.

Do your call here

Catch e as Exception
Debug.WriteLine e.toString()
End Try

Does the error occur on a specific line or completely divorced from the code?


Whenever I try and run a project in VB.NET 2003, all i get is:

"An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in
Unknown Module.

Additional information: The parameter is incorrect."


"An unhandled exception of type
'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in Unknown Module.

Additional information: Cannot create a file when that file already exists."

I have tried re-installing the .NET Framework and VS .NET 2003, but to no

Please help!!!

Thanks in advance

Neil Brown


That's the thing that I cant get my head round. I am using no COM objects
or calling any functions - even when I start a blank Windows Application
project, the dreaded message appears. Yes, I am using SP2!!!!

Any ideas of how to fix it?

Neil Brown

Chris Barber

Are you using any IDE extensions that use standard DLLs?
Do you have anything setup to automatically reference specific imports for a new project (eg. a
modified template)?

My advice would be to first try reinstalling (or repair) VS.NET. If that fails then take a disk
image and try uninstalling SP2 to see if that resolves it. I'm not suggesting this as a long term
solution but merely as a means to determine if it's SP2 that is causing this issue.

This error:
'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in Unknown Module.

Definitely implies that a standard DLL (eg. not .NET based) is being instantiated (and failing).

This error:
"An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in
Unknown Module.

I'm not familiar with and can't really comment on.

You did say when you try and *run* a project in the original post - do I take it that this now
exhibits itself when merely creating a new blank project? What type of project (language and type)?
Check the references that exist for the new project and inspect the application folder for any
<something>.interop files - they should point you in the right direction to finding the culprit DLL.
If you run it in debug does it break out at a specific line?


That's the thing that I cant get my head round. I am using no COM objects
or calling any functions - even when I start a blank Windows Application
project, the dreaded message appears. Yes, I am using SP2!!!!

Any ideas of how to fix it?

Neil Brown


thanks for the suggestions
My advice would be to first try reinstalling (or repair) VS.NET. If that
fails then take a disk
image and try uninstalling SP2 to see if that resolves it. I'm not
suggesting this as a long term
solution but merely as a means to determine if it's SP2 that is causing
this issue.

have spent days reinstalling visual studio and even windows, and it works
without SP2 but will only really remove SP2 as a last resort.
This error:
'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in Unknown Module.

You did say when you try and *run* a project in the original post - do I
take it that this now
exhibits itself when merely creating a new blank project?What type of
project (language and type)?

have tried it with a blank VB.NET WindowsApplication

I have managed to get it working by removing the 'System' reference from the
project properties window - will this greatly affect the features of visual

thanks for all your help

neil brown

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