pivotchart to image! how do I do it. found in help, not working



Howdy all!
I need help exporting a pivotchart to a .png
I have a form 'frm_forquery' that allows a user to select a value called
"TMC", this then runs a query and opens the pivotchart 'frm_selectTMC' based
on that users selection.
I would like to export the chart to a jpg..
I added a command on 'frm_forquery' and have been working on this code, but
i keep getting run-time error '2467' the expression you entered refers to a
object that is closed or doesn't exist....
here is the command code


Private Sub Command13_Click()
Dim outputDir As String
Dim TMC As String
Dim plot_model As String
Dim form_name As String
Dim graphForm As Form

TMC = "Select TMC Chart"
outputDir = "C:\"
form_name = "frmSelectTMC"
plot_model = "frmSelectTMC_" S
et graphForm = Forms(frmSelectTMC)

graphForm.ChartSpace.ExportPicture outputDir & plot_model & TMC & ".jpg",
"JPG", 1024, 800 End Sub

Seen other posts with similiar problems


Eric Brose said:
Howdy all!
I need help exporting a pivotchart to a .png
I have a form 'frm_forquery' that allows a user to select a value called
"TMC", this then runs a query and opens the pivotchart 'frm_selectTMC' based
on that users selection.
I would like to export the chart to a jpg..
I added a command on 'frm_forquery' and have been working on this code, but
i keep getting run-time error '2467' the expression you entered refers to a
object that is closed or doesn't exist....
here is the command code


Private Sub Command13_Click()
Dim outputDir As String
Dim TMC As String
Dim plot_model As String
Dim form_name As String
Dim graphForm As Form

TMC = "Select TMC Chart"
outputDir = "C:\"
form_name = "frmSelectTMC"
plot_model = "frmSelectTMC_" S
et graphForm = Forms(frmSelectTMC)

graphForm.ChartSpace.ExportPicture outputDir & plot_model & TMC & ".jpg",
"JPG", 1024, 800 End Sub

Seen other posts with similiar problems

Here is the work-around that I found for anyone who cares....
I copied/paste my pivotchart form 'frm_selectTMC' and called the copy
In the form properties of 'frm_chartexport' i built an event procedure for
"on open" with the following code

Private Sub Form Open (Cancel as Integer) Me.ChartSpace.ExportPicture
"c:\temp\test1.jpg", "JPG" , 1000, 1000 End Sub

Now on the 'frm_forquery' I added a command button called "export"
with the following code

Private Sub Export_Click() DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_chartexport",
acFormPivotChart DoCmd.Close asForm, "frm_chartexport End Sub

its a bad work-around but it at least works, now for more bugs!

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