PivotChart Keeps Moving



I have an embedded PivotChart that is set to auto-update
from External Data when opened. I have identified that
when my batch file runs (which opens Excel under the
Local Admin account), what is happening is that the
charts are moving to another cell. Only one chart, for
some reason, is anchoring to the place I put it, the 3
others on the page are moving way off to the left.
Again, this only happens when my batch file runs while
the computer is logged off or locked. When I run it
while I'm logged in, it all works fine. This is a very
frustrating Excel "feature"


I have more info now...it seems that when you launch
Excel via a scheduled task, it starts Excel in an
embedded instance. Regardless if I am logged out or not,
whenever I launch Excel as an embedded instance to open
and update my workbook with the charts, it causes the
behavior below. Any ideas on how to fix this would be


Here is the solution: in the batch file I use to start my
spreadsheet, which runs this:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\EXCEL.EXE"

I put in a /i switch after the Excel.exe part. Even
though Excel starts as an embedded instance because it is
running via Task Manager under the Local Admin account,
you can force the /i switch which launches Excel

This did the trick.


I am changing my previously stated solution as it did not
work after I thought it did. The actual solution was to
group all of the elements on my page together.

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