Pivot Table

  • Thread starter Thread starter Janice
  • Start date Start date


I have a worksheeet full of data which I did not create. The data conforms
to all the requirements for a pivot table and I'm able to create a pivot
table; however, the pivot table is showing a duplicate manager name. I have
to add the data together to get the correct amount. Here is an example:

Smith 10 hours
Smith 20 hours
Total 30 hours

Can you help me determine why the manager "Smith" is showing twice instead of:

Smith 30 hours

One good possibility is that one or more of the Smith records in your source
data has trailing spaces. On your source data sheet, in an empty column you
can enter a formula like =Trim(A1) and copy it down through all the data
rows (change A1 to the first Manager name cell). Select all the Trim formula
cells, then copy & paste them over the original cells as values. That should
remove any leading or trailing spaces. Recreate your pivot table.

Hope this helps,

I think Tom hit the nail on the head. Trim returns a text value (with
leading and trailing spaces removed). When you do the trim, you may need to
convert the data to numbers, or dates, or some such thing. Just keep that in
