Pivot Table - with blank rows




I have a simple pivot table with classes and number of people who attend
each class (as below). What I would like is for where there is no
corrsponding figure for a class, I don't want to see it on the pivot table.

My Pivot Table
Excel 100
Word 150
Access 80

What I would like to see is only those rows with figures
Excel 100
Word 150
Access 80

I know that I could filter in the pivot table and manually choose the
classes above. However, is there any setting or any way that this can be

Many thanks for any help on this matter.


Do you know if there is a way to use a value filter to eliminate rows with
zero value and also a label filter to remove specific items in a field at the
same time? Whenever I try to filter some items out using the label filter,
it removes the value filter I had set that removed the zero value rows.



Hello, i have a query about blank rows. i have designed a spreadsheet
questionnaire using drop down lists and i do have blank rows where
respondents didn't answer but i want to calculate the blank rows i.e. if
there are 3 blank rows then have it recognize as 3 instead of nothing or 0. I
got the Piviot table to show 0 through table options, empty cells show '0'.
but i want it to count the blank rows instead.
Satisfied 14
Very Satisfied 4
(blank) 0
Grand Total 24

Any ideas because i can only find info on the opposite of what i want to do.
Please help!
please email on the below email during office hours, i need this for work.
it will be very much appreciated.
Kim Johnson
(e-mail address removed) thank you very very much!


Found a way! For anyone who needs this--- Go into the tab where you have your
Drop down list data for each question. Instead of a blank row put in for
example "left (blank)" then refresh data in Pivot Table menu and all data
will be accounted for! Select left(blank) for all blank questions and data
will input however many blank rows you have. If nothing at all is in cell it
won't register!

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