Pivot Table question


Mark R

As the last step in a series of macros, I created three pivot tables to
summarize my data. The macros were recorded. When I run the macros, I get
the error:

Run-time error '1004':

Application-defined or object-defined error

When I go to the debugger, the instruction:

ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"'12-21-2003'!R1C1:R90C12").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"'[Production.xls]12-21-2003'!R2C23", TableName:="PivotTable3", _

is highlighted. I assume the problem is that when I recorded the macro the
active sheet was named "12-21-03", and the data was in the range
R1C1:R90C12. However, that is not the name of the sheet now, and the number
of rows in the data range will vary.

If this is indeed the problem, could someone give me the syntax to change
this instruction to refer to the current active sheet and the current active
range (it won't necessarliy be R1C1:R90C12) of my data. (the data I want for
the pivot table will always start at R1C1, but will end at RxC12 where x is
the number or rows, which will be different each time I run this).

The name of the workbook will always be Production.xls.

If there are other problems besides these references, any hint of where to
go to solve them would be appreciated.

Again, thanks in advance.

Tom Ogilvy

set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)

SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"'[Production.xls]12-21-2003'!R2C23", TableName:="PivotTable3", _


You should always try to avoid 'hard coding' ranges in
your macros, as they always (or can) change. Assuming
your data and headings are all in contiguous cells, and as
you say, it starts in A1, you can use
Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Address as the range of cells to
build the pivot table over. The CurrentRegion figures out
the proper number of rows and columns, but will not give
the correct results if you don't have data in contiguous
cells. I have found this method to work well. If the
name of the workbook is really constant, you can just
Activate that workbook (Workbook
("Production.xls").Activate), and then replace the R1C1
stuff with SourceData:= Range("A1).CurrentRegion.Address.

Hope this helps



Mine was a little different, so I think you DO need
the .address. You can try it both ways and see what
happens..sorry for the confusion
-----Original Message-----
You don't need the .address on CurrentRegion. Sorry
-----Original Message-----
As the last step in a series of macros, I created three pivot tables to
summarize my data. The macros were recorded. When I run the macros, I get
the error:

Run-time error '1004':

Application-defined or object-defined error

When I go to the debugger, the instruction:

ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"'12-21-2003'!R1C1:R90C12").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"'[Production.xls]12-21-2003'!R2C23", TableName:="PivotTable3", _

is highlighted. I assume the problem is that when I recorded the macro the
active sheet was named "12-21-03", and the data was in the range
R1C1:R90C12. However, that is not the name of the sheet now, and the number
of rows in the data range will vary.

If this is indeed the problem, could someone give me the syntax to change
this instruction to refer to the current active sheet
the current active
range (it won't necessarliy be R1C1:R90C12) of my data. (the data I want for
the pivot table will always start at R1C1, but will end at RxC12 where x is
the number or rows, which will be different each time I run this).

The name of the workbook will always be Production.xls.

If there are other problems besides these references,
hint of where to
go to solve them would be appreciated.

Again, thanks in advance.


Mark R

My apologies for not getting it, but neither solution seemed to work. The
syntax here is way over my head.

Tom, when I copied and pasted the code you sent into the module I get a
syntax error.

Sclark, when I changed the range as you indicated, I still get the same run
time error. I understand the problem of static range, but I recorded the
macro to make the pivot table, and that's the code that Excel generated.
Writing code for a pivot table from scratch, I fear, is well beyond my

Please note that the references I have trouble are not only the sheet and
range of the data for the pivot table (and by the way, the data is always
contiguous), but also the sheet name for the location (Tabledestination) of
the pivot table.

Again, I fear I'm a little dense here, but the code to paste in lieu of the

ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"'12-21-2003'!R1C1:R90C12").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"'[Production.xls]12-21-2003'!R2C23", TableName:="PivotTable3", _

statement may be what I need. This is a one time only project to get
lists for my small woodworking business. Thanks again for you help.

Tom Ogilvy

set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)

workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"'[Production.xls]12-21-2003'!R2C23", TableName:="PivotTable3"

Modified to work in Excel 2000, worked fine for me (just removed the
DefaultVersion argument which isn't supported in xl2000).

Maybe you were a victim of wordwrap in the email.

If you need to make the destination variable, you would need

set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)
set dest = worksheets("12-21-2003").Range("B9")
i = 5
workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
dest, TableName:="PivotTable" & i
Again, that worked fine for me in Excel 2000

Tom Ogilvy

Mark R said:
My apologies for not getting it, but neither solution seemed to work. The
syntax here is way over my head.

Tom, when I copied and pasted the code you sent into the module I get a
syntax error.

Sclark, when I changed the range as you indicated, I still get the same run
time error. I understand the problem of static range, but I recorded the
macro to make the pivot table, and that's the code that Excel generated.
Writing code for a pivot table from scratch, I fear, is well beyond my

Please note that the references I have trouble are not only the sheet and
range of the data for the pivot table (and by the way, the data is always
contiguous), but also the sheet name for the location (Tabledestination) of
the pivot table.

Again, I fear I'm a little dense here, but the code to paste in lieu of the

ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"'12-21-2003'!R1C1:R90C12").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"'[Production.xls]12-21-2003'!R2C23", TableName:="PivotTable3", _

statement may be what I need. This is a one time only project to get
lists for my small woodworking business. Thanks again for you help.

Mark R said:
As the last step in a series of macros, I created three pivot tables to
summarize my data. The macros were recorded. When I run the macros, I get
the error:

Run-time error '1004':

Application-defined or object-defined error

When I go to the debugger, the instruction:

ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"'12-21-2003'!R1C1:R90C12").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"'[Production.xls]12-21-2003'!R2C23", TableName:="PivotTable3", _

is highlighted. I assume the problem is that when I recorded the macro the
active sheet was named "12-21-03", and the data was in the range
R1C1:R90C12. However, that is not the name of the sheet now, and the number
of rows in the data range will vary.

If this is indeed the problem, could someone give me the syntax to change
this instruction to refer to the current active sheet and the current active
range (it won't necessarliy be R1C1:R90C12) of my data. (the data I want for
the pivot table will always start at R1C1, but will end at RxC12 where x is
the number or rows, which will be different each time I run this).

The name of the workbook will always be Production.xls.

If there are other problems besides these references, any hint of where to
go to solve them would be appreciated.

Again, thanks in advance.

Mark R


Appreciate your help. For some reason, it's not working for me. I need to go
today, but will try to do some reading and figure out why, and maybe post
back when I can characterize the failure better.

One thing I may not have been clear about is that the worksheet is not
12-21-2003 - that was just he name of the worksheet when I recorded the
original macro.

Tom Ogilvy said:
set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)

workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"'[Production.xls]12-21-2003'!R2C23", TableName:="PivotTable3"

Modified to work in Excel 2000, worked fine for me (just removed the
DefaultVersion argument which isn't supported in xl2000).

Maybe you were a victim of wordwrap in the email.

If you need to make the destination variable, you would need

set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)
set dest = worksheets("12-21-2003").Range("B9")
i = 5
workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
dest, TableName:="PivotTable" & i
Again, that worked fine for me in Excel 2000

Tom Ogilvy

Mark R said:
My apologies for not getting it, but neither solution seemed to work. The
syntax here is way over my head.

Tom, when I copied and pasted the code you sent into the module I get a
syntax error.

Sclark, when I changed the range as you indicated, I still get the same run
time error. I understand the problem of static range, but I recorded the
macro to make the pivot table, and that's the code that Excel generated.
Writing code for a pivot table from scratch, I fear, is well beyond my

Please note that the references I have trouble are not only the sheet and
range of the data for the pivot table (and by the way, the data is always
contiguous), but also the sheet name for the location (Tabledestination) of
the pivot table.

Again, I fear I'm a little dense here, but the code to paste in lieu of the

ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"'12-21-2003'!R1C1:R90C12").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"'[Production.xls]12-21-2003'!R2C23", TableName:="PivotTable3", _

statement may be what I need. This is a one time only project to get
lists for my small woodworking business. Thanks again for you help.

Mark R said:
As the last step in a series of macros, I created three pivot tables to
summarize my data. The macros were recorded. When I run the macros, I get
the error:

Run-time error '1004':

Application-defined or object-defined error

When I go to the debugger, the instruction:

ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _

is highlighted. I assume the problem is that when I recorded the macro the
active sheet was named "12-21-03", and the data was in the range
R1C1:R90C12. However, that is not the name of the sheet now, and the number
of rows in the data range will vary.

If this is indeed the problem, could someone give me the syntax to change
this instruction to refer to the current active sheet and the current active
range (it won't necessarliy be R1C1:R90C12) of my data. (the data I
the pivot table will always start at R1C1, but will end at RxC12 where
the number or rows, which will be different each time I run this).

The name of the workbook will always be Production.xls.

If there are other problems besides these references, any hint of

Tom Ogilvy

you want the pivot table and the source to both be on the active sheet?

so the modification would be:

set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)
set dest = ActiveSheet.Range("W2")
i = 5
workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
dest, TableName:="PivotTable" & i

Hard to give you something better than working code.

Tom Ogilvy

Mark R said:

Appreciate your help. For some reason, it's not working for me. I need to go
today, but will try to do some reading and figure out why, and maybe post
back when I can characterize the failure better.

One thing I may not have been clear about is that the worksheet is not
12-21-2003 - that was just he name of the worksheet when I recorded the
original macro.

Tom Ogilvy said:
set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)

workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"'[Production.xls]12-21-2003'!R2C23", TableName:="PivotTable3"

Modified to work in Excel 2000, worked fine for me (just removed the
DefaultVersion argument which isn't supported in xl2000).

Maybe you were a victim of wordwrap in the email.

If you need to make the destination variable, you would need

set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)
set dest = worksheets("12-21-2003").Range("B9")
i = 5
workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
dest, TableName:="PivotTable" & i
Again, that worked fine for me in Excel 2000

Tom Ogilvy

Mark R said:
My apologies for not getting it, but neither solution seemed to work. The
syntax here is way over my head.

Tom, when I copied and pasted the code you sent into the module I get a
syntax error.

Sclark, when I changed the range as you indicated, I still get the
time error. I understand the problem of static range, but I recorded the
macro to make the pivot table, and that's the code that Excel generated.
Writing code for a pivot table from scratch, I fear, is well beyond my

Please note that the references I have trouble are not only the sheet and
range of the data for the pivot table (and by the way, the data is always
contiguous), but also the sheet name for the location
the pivot table.

Again, I fear I'm a little dense here, but the code to paste in lieu
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _

statement may be what I need. This is a one time only project to get
lists for my small woodworking business. Thanks again for you help.

As the last step in a series of macros, I created three pivot tables to
summarize my data. The macros were recorded. When I run the macros,
the error:

Run-time error '1004':

Application-defined or object-defined error

When I go to the debugger, the instruction:

ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _

is highlighted. I assume the problem is that when I recorded the
active sheet was named "12-21-03", and the data was in the range
R1C1:R90C12. However, that is not the name of the sheet now, and the
of rows in the data range will vary.

If this is indeed the problem, could someone give me the syntax to change
this instruction to refer to the current active sheet and the current
range (it won't necessarliy be R1C1:R90C12) of my data. (the data I want
the pivot table will always start at R1C1, but will end at RxC12

Mark R

Thanks Tom,

I agree, that you are rather generous in writing the code. Perhaps, as you
suggest, the problem is email workwrap. I'll try typing in your code, since
I'm unclear where, if at all, line breaks would be problematic.

I assume I change the value of i to correspond with the pivot table number
that is used in the subsequent instructions giving the arrangement of the
pivot table.

Tom Ogilvy said:
you want the pivot table and the source to both be on the active sheet?

so the modification would be:

set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)
set dest = ActiveSheet.Range("W2")
i = 5
workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
dest, TableName:="PivotTable" & i

Hard to give you something better than working code.

Tom Ogilvy

Mark R said:

Appreciate your help. For some reason, it's not working for me. I need
today, but will try to do some reading and figure out why, and maybe post
back when I can characterize the failure better.

One thing I may not have been clear about is that the worksheet is not
12-21-2003 - that was just he name of the worksheet when I recorded the
original macro.

Tom Ogilvy said:
set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)

workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"'[Production.xls]12-21-2003'!R2C23", TableName:="PivotTable3"

Modified to work in Excel 2000, worked fine for me (just removed the
DefaultVersion argument which isn't supported in xl2000).

Maybe you were a victim of wordwrap in the email.

If you need to make the destination variable, you would need

set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)
set dest = worksheets("12-21-2003").Range("B9")
i = 5
workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
dest, TableName:="PivotTable" & i
Again, that worked fine for me in Excel 2000

Tom Ogilvy

My apologies for not getting it, but neither solution seemed to
syntax here is way over my head.

Tom, when I copied and pasted the code you sent into the module I
syntax error.

Sclark, when I changed the range as you indicated, I still get the same
time error. I understand the problem of static range, but I recorded the
macro to make the pivot table, and that's the code that Excel generated.
Writing code for a pivot table from scratch, I fear, is well beyond my

Please note that the references I have trouble are not only the
range of the data for the pivot table (and by the way, the data is always
contiguous), but also the sheet name for the location (Tabledestination)
the pivot table.

Again, I fear I'm a little dense here, but the code to paste in lieu of

ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _

statement may be what I need. This is a one time only project to get
lists for my small woodworking business. Thanks again for you help.

As the last step in a series of macros, I created three pivot
summarize my data. The macros were recorded. When I run the
"'12-21-2003'!R1C1:R90C12").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:=

is highlighted. I assume the problem is that when I recorded the macro
active sheet was named "12-21-03", and the data was in the range
R1C1:R90C12. However, that is not the name of the sheet now, and the
of rows in the data range will vary.

If this is indeed the problem, could someone give me the syntax to
this instruction to refer to the current active sheet and the current
range (it won't necessarliy be R1C1:R90C12) of my data. (the data
the pivot table will always start at R1C1, but will end at RxC12
the number or rows, which will be different each time I run this).

The name of the workbook will always be Production.xls.

If there are other problems besides these references, any hint of where
go to solve them would be appreciated.

Again, thanks in advance.

Mark R


Got everything working, including three different pivot tables on the sheet.
Your code, unsurprisingly, was perfect. I needed to adjust the pivottable
name in the statements that followed which gave the design of the table, and
had to change the location of the finished table to an area on my worksheet
that was clear.

Thanks again. Now I can go back to designing furniture!

Mark R

Tom Ogilvy said:
you want the pivot table and the source to both be on the active sheet?

so the modification would be:

set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)
set dest = ActiveSheet.Range("W2")
i = 5
workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
dest, TableName:="PivotTable" & i

Hard to give you something better than working code.

Tom Ogilvy

Mark R said:

Appreciate your help. For some reason, it's not working for me. I need
today, but will try to do some reading and figure out why, and maybe post
back when I can characterize the failure better.

One thing I may not have been clear about is that the worksheet is not
12-21-2003 - that was just he name of the worksheet when I recorded the
original macro.

Tom Ogilvy said:
set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)

workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"'[Production.xls]12-21-2003'!R2C23", TableName:="PivotTable3"

Modified to work in Excel 2000, worked fine for me (just removed the
DefaultVersion argument which isn't supported in xl2000).

Maybe you were a victim of wordwrap in the email.

If you need to make the destination variable, you would need

set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)
set dest = worksheets("12-21-2003").Range("B9")
i = 5
workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
dest, TableName:="PivotTable" & i
Again, that worked fine for me in Excel 2000

Tom Ogilvy

My apologies for not getting it, but neither solution seemed to
syntax here is way over my head.

Tom, when I copied and pasted the code you sent into the module I
syntax error.

Sclark, when I changed the range as you indicated, I still get the same
time error. I understand the problem of static range, but I recorded the
macro to make the pivot table, and that's the code that Excel generated.
Writing code for a pivot table from scratch, I fear, is well beyond my

Please note that the references I have trouble are not only the
range of the data for the pivot table (and by the way, the data is always
contiguous), but also the sheet name for the location (Tabledestination)
the pivot table.

Again, I fear I'm a little dense here, but the code to paste in lieu of

ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _

statement may be what I need. This is a one time only project to get
lists for my small woodworking business. Thanks again for you help.

As the last step in a series of macros, I created three pivot
summarize my data. The macros were recorded. When I run the
"'12-21-2003'!R1C1:R90C12").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:=

is highlighted. I assume the problem is that when I recorded the macro
active sheet was named "12-21-03", and the data was in the range
R1C1:R90C12. However, that is not the name of the sheet now, and the
of rows in the data range will vary.

If this is indeed the problem, could someone give me the syntax to
this instruction to refer to the current active sheet and the current
range (it won't necessarliy be R1C1:R90C12) of my data. (the data
the pivot table will always start at R1C1, but will end at RxC12
the number or rows, which will be different each time I run this).

The name of the workbook will always be Production.xls.

If there are other problems besides these references, any hint of where
go to solve them would be appreciated.

Again, thanks in advance.

Tom Ogilvy

Thanks for the feedback.
Glad it worked and you were able to adapt it.

good luck with your business.

Tom Ogilvy

Mark R said:

Got everything working, including three different pivot tables on the sheet.
Your code, unsurprisingly, was perfect. I needed to adjust the pivottable
name in the statements that followed which gave the design of the table, and
had to change the location of the finished table to an area on my worksheet
that was clear.

Thanks again. Now I can go back to designing furniture!

Mark R

Tom Ogilvy said:
you want the pivot table and the source to both be on the active sheet?

so the modification would be:

set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)
set dest = ActiveSheet.Range("W2")
i = 5
workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
dest, TableName:="PivotTable" & i

Hard to give you something better than working code.

Tom Ogilvy

Mark R said:

Appreciate your help. For some reason, it's not working for me. I need
today, but will try to do some reading and figure out why, and maybe post
back when I can characterize the failure better.

One thing I may not have been clear about is that the worksheet is not
12-21-2003 - that was just he name of the worksheet when I recorded the
original macro.

set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)

workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"'[Production.xls]12-21-2003'!R2C23", TableName:="PivotTable3"

Modified to work in Excel 2000, worked fine for me (just removed the
DefaultVersion argument which isn't supported in xl2000).

Maybe you were a victim of wordwrap in the email.

If you need to make the destination variable, you would need

set rng = Activesheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,12)
set dest = worksheets("12-21-2003").Range("B9")
i = 5
workbooks("Production.xls").PivotCaches. _
Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase,SourceData:= _
rng.Address(1,1,xlR1C1,True)).CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
dest, TableName:="PivotTable" & i
Again, that worked fine for me in Excel 2000

Tom Ogilvy

My apologies for not getting it, but neither solution seemed to work.
syntax here is way over my head.

Tom, when I copied and pasted the code you sent into the module I
syntax error.

Sclark, when I changed the range as you indicated, I still get the same
time error. I understand the problem of static range, but I
macro to make the pivot table, and that's the code that Excel generated.
Writing code for a pivot table from scratch, I fear, is well
my lieu
"'12-21-2003'!R1C1:R90C12").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:=

statement may be what I need. This is a one time only project to get
lists for my small woodworking business. Thanks again for you help.

As the last step in a series of macros, I created three pivot tables
summarize my data. The macros were recorded. When I run the
the error:

Run-time error '1004':

Application-defined or object-defined error

When I go to the debugger, the instruction:


is highlighted. I assume the problem is that when I recorded the macro
active sheet was named "12-21-03", and the data was in the range
R1C1:R90C12. However, that is not the name of the sheet now, and the
of rows in the data range will vary.

If this is indeed the problem, could someone give me the syntax to
this instruction to refer to the current active sheet and the current
range (it won't necessarliy be R1C1:R90C12) of my data. (the

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