Pivot Table custom column



I wish to add a column into my pivot table that will take the total of the
current row and divide it by the total of all rows. In other words I want a
column that will show me the percentage of each row of information. I just
want the one column of percentages, and cannot seem to get that. Please help.


Drag and drop the value field you wish the percentage to the value area.
right click any item in the new column. select "value field setting". select
the "show values as " tab. from the show value as drop down list select "% of
this should do the job


In case you have more columns and you wish to have the % of the Gand total
(total of all rows and columns), you may use "% of total" instead.


This seems to give me multiple columns of percentages. My pivot table is as
follows: Territory as rows (ex.1,2,3) Action as columns (ex.Yes, No, Maybe).
The data section is a count of the action per territory (ex. 3 Yes's for
Territory 1). When I follow your below instructions I get 3 columns of
percentages with the headings Yes, No and Maybe. I just want one column that
adds together all the Yes, No and Maybe's for Territory 1 and divides it by
the total Yes, No and Maybe's for all the territories. Did I do something


add the grand total per row and you will have one column (the grand total per
row) showing you the percentage of the (total row y,n,m)/(total row+column
y,n,m) column


PS:if you are using excel 2003 you can add the ground total row from the
pivot option menu.


Thank you. That worked. I just have one more question. I still have the 3
detailed columns of percentages. If I try to hide them then grand total
percentage column is also hidden. Is there a way to not show the detailed
columns but just the grand total column?


if you drag the Action field (not the count of action) in your pivot table
and drop it in the page field area (the area at the top of your pivot), it
should (remove) filter all the columns but the grand total.
you will have:
territory in the row label
count of action (summarized as % of column or % of total) in the value area
Action in the page field area


When I do this it takes away the details from my original count too. I was
hoping to show the count for all the information (ex. How many Yes's for
Territory 1), then show the totals (ex. How many Actions in total for
Territory 1), then show the percentages (ex. What percentage of overall
actions were for Territory 1). Is this possible?


one workaround:
select the column you want to hide (click with the mouse at the letter)
right click with the mouse and select hide.
ex if you want to hide col C click on C you will see a black arrow, right
click and hide

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