Pivot Table Cache



I have a problem:

Whenever I copy a pivot table to a new worksheet, and populate it wit
a new query, the old drop down values are still there.

Is there a way to refresh the pivot table cache so that it 'forgets
these values, and only shows the available selections ?


Pivot table "A" query returns values "X","Y","Z" for drop down box "A"

Pivot table "B" query returns values "A","B","C" for drop down box "A"

when I copy pivot table "A" to Pivot Table "B", and run the new query
I have "A","B","C","X","Y","Z" as drop down selections, even thoug
they don't exist for Pivot table "B"

Thanks in advance.




Typically, you can right click on the Pivot Table and
select Wizard. Choose Back and then ensure the range it
is selecting is correct. Once fixed, hit Next and
Finish. Once it has completed its reformatting, right
click on the Pivot Table again and hit Refresh Data.

This should hopefully solve your predicament.

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