Pivot Charts


David M.

I noticed that you are limited to the amount of editing
you can do to a pivot chart such as sizing it differently.
Is there a way to allow me to size it, like you would in a
regular Excel chart??


Tushar Mehta

[This followup was posted to microsoft.public.excel.charting with an
email copy to David M..
Please use the newsgroup for further discussion.]

Not directly, no. PivotCharts are limited in their formatting
capability. However, if you create a regular chart from the PivotTable
data, you will have more control over the chart. Of course, to do so
requires (a) the PT be formatted without most, if not all, totals, and
(b) you must 'fake' XL since it will almost always try and create a PC
from a PT.

Three ways to create a regular chart from a PT are:
(1) Create an empty chart. Then, copy the PT data, select the chart,
use Edit | Paste Special... and take it from there.
(2) Create an empty chart. Then, select the PT data, and click+drag
the data to the empty chart. Follow instructions.
(3) Create a dynamic chart by adding two named formulas. See the
Dynamic Charts tutorial on my site. The first named formula should be
the X values; the 2nd should give you the Y values.

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tutorial 'Outlook Express and Newsgroups' on my web site


Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

Jon Peltier

Tushar -

It's funny. When the rest of the world upgraded from Excel 97, I was
envious, because I use pivot tables all the time and I wanted to use
pivot charts. Almost the first thing I checked out upon upgrading last
year was pivot charts. After an initial "ooh", I kind of drifted away
from them because of their inflexibility, particularly the inability to
combine other data from outside the pivot table. I still use them on
occasion, but I prefer my regular old boring charts.

- Jon

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