pinvoke using structs


Einar Høst


I'm reading data from a tape device using p/invoke. It's working pretty
well, but when I'm trying to get data about the tape device, I'm doing
something wrong. I believe it has something to do with the struct I'm
passing in, but I just can't figure out what. Any help would be much
appreciated. I'm an absolute interop newbie, so please bear with me.

The Win32 API signature looks like this:

DWORD GetTapeParameters(
HANDLE hDevice,
DWORD dwOperation,
LPDWORD lpdwSize,
LPVOID lpTapeInformation

I've translated that into the following import signature:

[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
static extern uint GetTapeParameters(
IntPtr hDevice, // Handle to tape device.
uint dwOperation, // Parameter type (media/drive).
out uint lpdwSize, // Size of parameter buffer.
IntPtr lpTapeInformation // Pointer to parameter struct.

The media parameter struct originally looks like this:

DWORD BlockSize;
DWORD PartitionCount;
BOOLEAN WriteProtected;

Consulting winnt.h (I've never programmed Windows pre-.NET), I found that
LARGE_INTEGER was a 64-bit signed integer, DWORD a 32-bit unsigned integer,
and BOOLEAN a single byte. So I translated the struct into the following:

internal struct MediaParameters
internal Int64 Capacity;
internal Int64 Remaining;
internal UInt32 BlockSize;
internal UInt32 PartitionCount;
internal Byte WriteProtected;

I try to make all this work from a C# wrapper method that calls the imported
Win32 API method.

internal MediaParameters GetTapeMediaParameters()
// Keep object alive for the remainder of this method.

MediaParameters param = new MediaParameters();
IntPtr paramPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(param));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(param, paramPtr, false);
uint size;
// Call imported Win32 API method to populate struct.
// 0 specifies media parameters (as opposed to drive parameters).
SystemErrorCode code = (SystemErrorCode) GetTapeParameters(_hTape, 0, out
size, paramPtr);
Debug.Assert(code == SystemErrorCode.NO_ERROR,
"Failed trying to get tape media parameters!",
"Error code: " + code.ToString());
// Should I call Marshal.PtrToStructure here?

However, the Assert statement fails, giving me system error code 234

If someone could help me, I'd be very very grateful!




It's not clear in msdn, but since it's probely complaining about buffer size
and you didn't specify a buffer size, you might try to do that. Change the
size parameter from out to ref. And pass the size of the struct.

uint size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MediaParameters));
IntPtr paramPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal( size );

SystemErrorCode code =
(SystemErrorCode) GetTapeParameters(_hTape, 0, ref size, paramPtr);

Debug.Assert(code == SystemErrorCode.NO_ERROR,
"Failed trying to get tape media parameters!", "Error code: " +

// Should I call Marshal.PtrToStructure here? Yes.
MediaParameters mp = (MediaParameters)Marshal.PtrToStructure( paramPtr,

Marshal.FreeHGlobal( paramPtr );

// use mp

If it still fails check the size parameter after function returns and
compare with the number of bytes in the struct.


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