Pics not displying on my site, Red box in corner.PLEASE HELP!!!



Some of my pics are not displying on my site.I recently updated my site and
added some newer pics but they won't show up.My web site is pics are on Lil Man's page (off males page link, then
pics and pedigree for Lil Man.
PLEASE HELP ME OUT.Driving me crazy!!!

Mark Fitzpatrick

If you right-click on one of the bad images and select properties, you can
get the URL that the image is pointing to. Trying to browse directly to the
image causes a 404 file not found.Are you sure you uploaded the images?
According to the http headers sent from the site, this is a Windows server
you don't have to worry about the case of the filenames as you would on a
UNIX server so that eliminates the need to check filetype. Make sure that
the images really did publish.

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