Pics missing when email web page



I need to email web pages to various people, but when I
do there is just a red "x" where the images should be.
How do I keep my pics from disappearing?

Andrew Murray

You've sent the page, but not the images. you have to send them as attachments,
probably. Images are linked, not embedded in the page.


Anyone have any other ideas? I can't send a page and then
20 attachments that the recipient isn't going to know
where they go on the page anyway...thanks


That works. Now how about a simple way of sending web page together
with its first level level of links? I'd like to email web pages
generated by Picasa which involves large photos linked to thumbnails.
Some free mail sites (e.g. hotmail) get indigestion when I zip the
files and send as an attachment


All links will follow. You must of course open the page in your browser in
order to send to...


The problem is that the images you are sending are referencing your local
drive. You have 2 options:

1) Copy the images to an image directory on the server and have the HTML
reference them there. That way, as long as they read the HTML when connecting
to the internet, the pics will resolve properly.

2) When you create your email, assuming you are using an email client that
can handle most HTML (Outlook does OK but not perfect), then you can create a
new email and make sure it is in HTML mode. You can check the FORMAT menu
option when you create a new email. Then preview the HTML you want to
include. Copy it from your browser and paste it into your email. You may have
to play with the formatting slightly. This way, the pictures will actually be
part of your email and will resolve properly.

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