Physical RAM increase but RAM Usuage also increase



My window 2000 server has 1 GB Physical Ram, but in Task
Manager, it shows RAM usuage is 1.4GB, so I buy another 1
GB Physical RAM, which hope that would be sufficient for
ram usage, but after install the RAM, in task manager,
the RAM usage increase to 2.2GB, why was that happen, can
anyone help?

Bob I

You are reading the "swapfile" usage too. What you are seeing is normal
and to be expected. It is NOT a problem.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

You don't have a problem. You're counting swap file usage as part
of the RAM usage, for one thing. Also, unused RAM is wasted RAM. If
you want decent performance, you _want_ maximum RAM utilization.

Bruce Chambers

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having both at once. -- RAH

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