PHP and MYSql



I'm looking to open a new forum-based members site, (like a writers club,
say) and I can get software to set this up. Can I use FP2003 to upload this
to a server? Yeah I realize I should know this, but i'm learning all the
time! As always, thanks a bunch!

Andrew Murray

I'm no expert and this is not in any way a definite answer, but I believe
you probably can do this.

However, if the script requires you to set permissions such as on Unix/Linux
where youmight have to change the chmod settings, this might not work since
you'll need to use FTP to change the file settings (and a thirdparty FTP
prog like CuteFTP rather than FP's FTP mode). This could break the server
extensions (if you're running them) if not, then go for it using FP FTP.
Then use CuteFTP or similar to change the permissions of the files as
required, or else use CuteFTP for the whole process.

I'm not sure if simply connecting by FTP and changing the file permissions
will corrupt the server ext in the same way as using FTP to upload files
when the FPSE are installed. It may not affect might need to
try it out, or wait for a more affirmative answer at this group.

Tom Miller


I going to play dumb here....
I'm looking to open a new forum-based members site, (like a writers club,
say) and I can get software to set this up. Can I use FP2003 to upload this
to a server?

But my 1st question is 1) Does your server have the MySql and Php services
installed? 2) Php code, like ASP code is a script that is embedded
(usually) in your html page and then the page is named with an extension
like ".php" or something. Likewise the sql code for the website is in the
html pages or linked to them etc.
So the actual code to run the site should not need anything exotic, just
your average FP upload. 3) Setting up your MySql table(s) either requires
you to logon dynamically or write one time use code to run the
DataDefinition stuff and so on. This is where my current knowledge of MySql
stops. I do think that probably can more fully answer
the setting up the tables question. There is also a Dummies book on
Php/MySql that is on my things to work on list...

Tom Miller

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