Photostory 3: Am I about to go about this the wrong way?? Oh, and that ffdshow codec problem. And a


Jamie Furlong

Apologies if in wrong place, I thought there was a PS3 group.

What I want to do is cut together a natty little video of last night's xmas
bash pics - I have a great idea in my head, but it involves rapid and
accurate cuts to the music, which doesn't seem possible in PS3 like it is in
MM2. But then in MM2, you can't do the nice pans and zooms round the photos
that you can in PS3!
Bearing in mind this is just a bit of fun, what's the speediest way to
resolve my little quest?

PS - while I'm here, I find the ffdshow codec very useful, and it's been
fine with everything else, but it kills PS3 when importing mp3 music.
Is there a way round this without uninstalling before, and re-installing
after using PS3?

PPS - Without learning something too big, I'd like to insert a small "side
by side" video, which I can't do with simple P in P, because I need 2
timelines to cut n match.
At first glance, Avid Free looked like the way to do this segment, but it
ain't 'arf complicated for simple tasks! Anything else quick and free to do
this segment? Thanks!

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

Yup, there's hardly a video I make these days that doesn't use clips made in
Photo Story 3 as source files, to get the panning and zooming it can do,
with the audio track done in Movie Maker.

For things like PIP... see the Editing > The Persian Page of my website....

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -
MM2 Tips and Tricks:
Online Newsletters:

Jamie Furlong

PapaJohn (MVP) said:
Yup, there's hardly a video I make these days that doesn't use clips made
in Photo Story 3 as source files, to get the panning and zooming it can
do, with the audio track done in Movie Maker.

OK, I'll try that then!
For things like PIP... see the Editing > The Persian Page of my

Tried that - coupl'a things you might want to know:
Your menu at the top of that page is invisible (everything is black), in
Firefox the browser of choice of over 10% of people now.
Should be an easy fix.

But also, something loading on your page (which I then opened in IE6) made
IE crash! (First time in a long time)

Is it just me, or has anyone else had this?

I managed to read the page (might take me a day or two to digest it though!)

Thanks - PJ to the rescue again!

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

Thanks Jamie... I'll let the Persian Gal know about the issues with the
page... she handles that one. I know she uses Front Page to do it, so maybe
there's some lack of co-operation between Front Page and Firefox....

With custom XML, the ability to make PIP stuff is kind of infinite in terms
of where you can positon and size whatever you want.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -
MM2 Tips and Tricks:
Online Newsletters:


Papajohn, as usual, has this one covered but let me ask why is it that you
don't think PS3 can handle "rapid and accurate cuts to the music"? The main
reason I use PS3 to begin with, and I also use it a lot, is that you have so
much more control over the timing as compared to WMM. Besides having more
and better transitions and better panning/zooming control the control over
the timing is the biggest asset of PS3.

Jamie Furlong

I think I'm missing an advanced mode here! I feel like such a noob....

OK, I want to run a bit of music, and I want to "flash" four pictures on
four "heavy" beats in the middle of the music, it's about 4 beats in 3

But unlike the WMM timeline, where you can "see" the music and this was
easy, I'm not seeing this in PS3.

Where am I going wrong??


Maybe you are missing something, I'm not sure yet, but here's a bit of a
If you don't want any images showing for the first part and then simply
flash the four images to the beat where your looking to do that then start
with a blank image of whatever color you want (You can create that easily
enough in Microsoft Paint). When PS3 opens the first screen is for importing
your images. Import the blank image first and then the 4 images you want for
your project followed by another blank image to display until the end of the
song. Then you need to click [NEXT] three times to get to the music
importing stage of the game. (This is something I would like to see change
in PS3 since on most projects you need the music before you start panning,
transitioning,, and timing your project) Once your music is imported click
[BACK] once to get to the Narration screen. This is where I think you missed
something. Click the [Customize Motion] button and while on the first clip
(the blank one) click the [Preview] button let the preview run and note the
timer numbers at the bottom of the preview window.
When you get to the area that you want to display your 1st image (the 1st
"heavy" beat) note the timing number. Close the preview window and click the
radio button next to "Number of seconds to display the picture" and change
that number to the number noted on the counter. You will have to preview a
few times and tweak it to get it where you want. Now click the [SAVE] button
to save this setting and then the right arrow [>] to go to the next image
and do the same thing. You can set the increments very low as you will se so
having things happen quickly is easily possible with PS3 but it takes some
time to tweak the numbers to be exactly where you want them to be.

Jamie Furlong

Wojo said:
Maybe you are missing something, I'm not sure yet, but here's a bit of a


Wow - so I wasn't missing anything. Thanks for the rundown - that has to be
the most arduous and tedious way of doing anything..ever (PS3, not you, I

I think what I'll do is forget trying to work with the non-existant timeline
in PS3, just make a bunch of silent transitions and pans in PS3, then import
them into Moviemaker and cut them up and use them there.

Do you know if the "new but not released as a download" version of PS3 has a
proper timeline like MM2?


Jamie Furlong said:
Wojo said:
Maybe you are missing something, I'm not sure yet, but here's a bit of a


Wow - so I wasn't missing anything. Thanks for the rundown - that has to
be the most arduous and tedious way of doing anything..ever (PS3, not you,
I mean!)

It is tedious but taking your time to do something the right way is
rewarding in the end.
I don't mind tedious as the stuff I end up creating is great because I took
the time to make it perfect.
I think what I'll do is forget trying to work with the non-existant
timeline in PS3, just make a bunch of silent transitions and pans in PS3,
then import them into Moviemaker and cut them up and use them there.

I have many clips imported into WMM that are effects that I created in PS3,
I do it all the time, but if it were me with the project you are describing
I would do it start to finish with PS3.
Do you know if the "new but not released as a download" version of PS3 has
a proper timeline like MM2?

I don't know but it seems likely as PS3 is getting popular.

Jamie Furlong

I don't mind tedious as the stuff I end up creating is great because I
took the time to make it perfect.

Got one I can look at? (In a nice way, not being sarcastic!) so I can see
what can be done.
I've seen a few PS3 presentations, but to be honest, they are pleasant, but
hardly cutting edge - mostly auto-transitions of people's cats with horribly
inappropriate auto-music behind!
I don't know but it seems likely as PS3 is getting popular.

OK, if MS are reading: PS3: Good idea, but give it a better timeline like
MM2 and it would be great!

John Inzer

Jamie said:
Do you know if the "new but not released as a download"
version of PS3 has a proper timeline like MM2?
If you are referring to the 3.1 version that
is included with Digital Image Suite 2006...
the interface is the same. The main difference
is that 3.1 has the ability to create a VCD.
And a new 1200x900 profile is included:


John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP
How to ask a newsgroup question:


Well most of my stuff is too big for me to host on my website due to
limitations by my hosting service but I did just shorten one of my vacation
videos and put a chunk on there to give you an idea at how good timing can
be easily achieved. Keep in mind that the quality is low for filesize
considerations but you'll get the idea.
Go to "My Showcase" on my website and watch the Magic Kingdom 2004 video.
Wojo's Web:'s_Place/
Also Please visit.....


Jamie, you can also add the pan/zoom effect to moviemaker as an add-in. go
to and take a look at all their plug-ins. I think you can
buy and download any one pack for around $15.00. they are not free, but the
minimal cost to add the pan/zoom effects is well worth it IMHO.

| Apologies if in wrong place, I thought there was a PS3 group.
| What I want to do is cut together a natty little video of last night's
| bash pics - I have a great idea in my head, but it involves rapid and
| accurate cuts to the music, which doesn't seem possible in PS3 like it is
| MM2. But then in MM2, you can't do the nice pans and zooms round the
| that you can in PS3!
| Bearing in mind this is just a bit of fun, what's the speediest way to
| resolve my little quest?
| PS - while I'm here, I find the ffdshow codec very useful, and it's been
| fine with everything else, but it kills PS3 when importing mp3 music.
| Is there a way round this without uninstalling before, and re-installing
| after using PS3?
| PPS - Without learning something too big, I'd like to insert a small "side
| by side" video, which I can't do with simple P in P, because I need 2
| timelines to cut n match.
| At first glance, Avid Free looked like the way to do this segment, but it
| ain't 'arf complicated for simple tasks! Anything else quick and free to
| this segment? Thanks!