Photo Gallery Problems



Can anyone help me on this problem?

When I create a new page and add a photo gallery, it
works fine. But after modifying the gallery (removing
pictures, etc.) and republishing, the page will only
display the original photo gallery, even though the
folder on the server only has the new pics in it. I am
using FrontPage 2002 on server w/extensions enabled. Any
help at this email would be greatly appreciated!
(e-mail address removed)


You probably cannot see your new content, because your
browser is "caching" a previous version of the site you
have visited. Your browser has taken what it has already
seen, and saved it to your hard drive in your cache
folders. When you go back to the page, it will load the
saved version on your hard drive into your browser to
save load time.

This is a time-saving feature in most cases, but
sometimes it can be annoying, especially when you have
new content up. Your site visitors may not see it because
they have your old page cached on their hard drives.

Here is the easiest way to stop your site from saving
itself to your visitors' computers:

Between your <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags, place this code:
<META http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">

That line will cause your browser to say: "Do not save a
local copy. Load from the server." Simple right? Right!
This little tip can save a lot of headaches.

What is the downside to no-cache? If you have a large
amount of images on your page, and they take a long time
to load, no-caching will cause the images to load again
each time. If they are cached, images will be already
saved already and will load much faster

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