Photo Gallery is out of whack in Firefox 1.5


Petey Forrest

Hi FrontPage friends on the cusp of 2005! Happy New Year!!

I've been using FP2003 for quite some time and I've just come across a
problem this evening while using the "Photo Gallery."

I have made a kind of mockery site of my old rock band in the mid 80s and I
was trying to create a simple-to-use photo gallery of all our all band shots
with funny comments. It all looks brilliant in IE 6 but it breaks down in
my Firefox 1.5. The top "Slide Show" layout goes on beyond the page even
though my site is in a table determined by the .DWT.

I really LOVE this FrontPage photo gallery for my site. It's the coolest.
I do own Photoshop CS2 so should I use that instead to redo my gallery?

Is there any hope in 2006 for fixing my dilemma just with FP2003? Or,
should I abandon the affair?

thanks for any help!

petey forrest

E. T. Culling

That particular format only annoys folks because the viewer has to scroll
all the time back and forth, back and forth. There's one like that available
in Photoshop ... it's best not to use that sort of layout.

Petey Forrest

Hi Eleanor,

Thanks for the link and the advice. I will read it over and decide what I
should do.


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