Photo album slide show



Can you place the FP photo album component inside a table,
so that it automatically resizes based on the viewers
monitor size and resolution?

If not, any suggestions on how to design a photo album
slideshow display that is seamless regardless of

Site in question is



It looks great the way you have it, and it's only about 700px wide now.

You can't control the output of fp's photogallery very well. Although someone in the past few weeks posted that she did. I think it was Alison

Here's her site: you can see her output. Search the ng for her post. I think she edited the real.htm page but I'm not sure.

You may want to consider a 3rd party album though.


| Can you place the FP photo album component inside a table,
| so that it automatically resizes based on the viewers
| monitor size and resolution?
| If not, any suggestions on how to design a photo album
| slideshow display that is seamless regardless of
| resolution?
| Site in question is
| Thanks,
| Glenn


here it is, from April 28th:

"I did it....I changed both the table width and this:
if (fp_ie4()) {
document.write("<span align='center' style='width:480;overflow:hidden' id='fpGalleryListCell_8219'>");

from 640 to 480 in real.htm.

Then I deleted the webbot code in my photo page and added it as advanced html. Then uploaded both pages and voila!

Thanks for everyones help.

It looks great the way you have it, and it's only about 700px wide now.

You can't control the output of fp's photogallery very well. Although someone in the past few weeks posted that she did. I think it was Alison

Here's her site: you can see her output. Search the ng for her post. I think she edited the real.htm page but I'm not sure.

You may want to consider a 3rd party album though.


| Can you place the FP photo album component inside a table,
| so that it automatically resizes based on the viewers
| monitor size and resolution?
| If not, any suggestions on how to design a photo album
| slideshow display that is seamless regardless of
| resolution?
| Site in question is
| Thanks,
| Glenn

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