Phone number regular expressions



I have a different requirement and it is :

I need to validate a phone number field.
It may or may not be a US phone number.

The constraints are :

# It should accept any number of numbers
# any number of - hyphens
# and one + symbol
# no other characters and alphabets are allowed

Thanks in advance



First, in time like these, you should first check
which have a number of regex expression, free for the copying.

You may also want to try the "Regular Expression Workbench"
Also free, and how I wrote this.

But, this seemed simple enough to try myself -- with one exception:
# and one + symbol

I'm going to assume that it's only allowed as the first character:

^ (anchor to start of string)
? (zero or one time)
Any character in "-\d"
* (zero or more times)
$ (anchor to end of string)

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