Phone book formatting


Jim Berglund

How do I create a format that will insert the appropriate number of dots
between the name and the phone number so that I'll have the name
left-aligned and the phone number right-aligned, as in the folllowing

Anthony Hopkins............942-4567 (35 characters)

Jim Berglund


A few questions...

1) How is the name entered manually of progammaticly
2) specific Range or no?
3)How is the phone number entered?

Jim Thomlinson

Is this all supposed to be in 1 cell? Is the source data in seperate cells?
Is it always supposed to be 35 characters in length which implies you are
using a non-proportional font like courier?

Dave Peterson

If you're doing this to create a mini-phonebook, you may find that you have lots
more formatting choices if you did it in MSWord.


Assuming Names and phone number a entered manually try this

Option Explicit

Sub AddDots()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim i As Variant

Set Rng = Range("A1:A65536")
i = Cells

For Each i In Rng
i.Offset(1, 0).Select
If i.Value <> "" Then
i.Offset(0, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Value = "..................................."
ElseIf i.Value = "" Then
End If
End Sub


I would add another columns with the dots. Then use a formula like this

=Rept(".",35 - len(A10))

where A10 is the cell wi the person name. Rept will repeat the dot x number
of times.

Jim Thomlinson

Note that that solution only works with a non-propotional font like courier.
With Arial and other proportional fonts each character is a different width
and 35 characters will take up different amount so space.

Jim Berglund

Thanks, all of you.
I liked Joel's response, best - short, easy, and it works!

Dave Peterson

I don't know.

Using MSWord is pretty simple for tables like this. Changing the formatting for
the tab character is pretty simple, too.

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