Personal preferences slow to load




Less than 6 months old
2.8 P4 GHz
512K ram
Optimum online cable modem
McAfee Virus Scan 8.XX with fire wall, updated daily
drive scan bi-weekly

No viruses detected with McAfee

Current Spybot and Bazooka detected no spy ware

In the last week personal preference load has gone from
less than 30 second to approximately 2 to 5 minutes.
Once loaded switching users is quick, and once loaded the
system performs flawlessly.

Any suggestions on what to look for as a possible cause
to the current slowdown in load time or how to improve
the load time?

Thanks for the help


You should also click start---run---type in msconfig--OK---and under startup
tab see if there is something loading you are not aware of.

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