PERMIT messages



I am using Windows XP Home and I have Norton Firewall, Anti Virus
and Internet Security installed

When I am connected to the internet I constantly get 2 separate
message boxes popping up saying that 'someone' is tryin to connect to
my computer which Norton prompts me to 'permit' based on this action
being low risk.

As both the files involved are .exe files and I keep finding my Auto
Protect switched off, I wondered if someone can put my mind at rest
as to what these files are and whether I need to do something about

Programme files\Common files\Real\Update_OB\rndal.exe

Windows\System 32\lsass.exe

I feel it might be Microsoft and Norton updating, but can't find
to confirm this.
I have fairly average computer skills for an old chook, but I am
definitely technically challenged with the inner workings

Melbourne Australia

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Do NOT allow any outside connections to your PC. Any connections
you make should be initiated by you, not by others. The "rndal.exe"
is part of the ad-/spyware that comes with RealPlayer; and neither
Norton nor WinUpdate should behave in this manner.

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH


It is your real one player trying to install an update.
to stop this disable Tkbelle.exe in msconfig.But note
everytime you use realone Tkbelle.exe will renable
itself. you might want to use a startup manager,winpatrol
works well and is free

lsass.exe is a valid windows funtion,you can read about
it here
I hope this helps, oh ya Tkbelle.exe is considered by
some to be spyware,I have it didabled.

One thing I forgot in my other post,If you have nortons
firewall set to permit all in reguards to realone you
might want to customize this setting.

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