


Hello I have two computers with intel duo core 2 with 2gb ram.

One has XP prof the other vista ultimate.

I use a statistics software which does a series of calculations.

It takes about 40 seconds on the xp machine but about 90 on the vista

Why is that? How can I solve this problem?


XP is faster than Vista. It has always been the way when a new version of
Windows arrives. I remember people complaining bitterly that XP was much
slower than Windows 2000 and Windows 98 when it first arrived on the scene.

If this is a problem for you I suggest that you stick with XP or use a
higher spec PC for Vista.


this should not be the case...
vista is much slower to issue my statsitics computation.
This cannot be due entirely to the op. system.
Or, maybe it is but then somewhere I am supposed to change a setting for how
a program works....

I remember an option that reads sth like: "Give priority to this progtam to
use system resources"..

What was that?
Can that solve my problem?


this should not be the case...
vista is much slower to issue my statsitics computation.
This cannot be due entirely to the op. system.
Or, maybe it is but then somewhere I am supposed to change a setting for
how a program works....

I remember an option that reads sth like: "Give priority to this progtam
to use system resources"..

What was that?
Can that solve my problem?

"Fearful1138" wrote in message...

Every new Windows OS has been slower, at first. Vista is no exception. SP1
is about to reach Windows Update, and that should resolve a lot of issues.

However, Vista needs more RAM to work well. Ultimate on a Duo Core should
have 4gb. Vista Home Basic 'works' with a half-gig, but works better with
1g, and works best with 2g. Ultimate needs more, especially if you use Aero
Themes with full transparency.


2 gb is enough i think and it already works smoothly...
why one needs 4?

I can play games smoothly and etc....

It is only strange that my statsitics program is slow...

Ken Blake, MVP

2 gb is enough i think and it already works smoothly...

For *you*

why one needs 4?

How much RAM you need for good performance is *not* a
one-size-fits-all situation. You get good performance if the amount of
RAM you have keeps you from using the page file, and that depends on
what apps you run. Most people running a typical range of business
applications find that somewhere around 2GB works well, but some
people, particularly those doing things like editing large
photographic images or doing video editing, can see a performance
boost by adding much more.


How much RAM you need for good performance is *not* a
one-size-fits-all situation. You get good performance if the amount of
RAM you have keeps you from using the page file, and that depends on
what apps you run. Most people running a typical range of business
applications find that somewhere around 2GB works well, but some
people, particularly those doing things like editing large
photographic images or doing video editing, can see a performance
boost by adding much more.

This is what I also think. But my point has nothing to do with ram as I
mentioned above....
Games which needs high performance works well, but only my statistics
program does not....

I am only asking a simple, specific question.
Why are we discussing this fastness anyway....

I am seeking an answer t my problem.
Why my statistics program works slower while it is supposed to work fast...

Not Me

That may be a question that only the supplier of the program can provide a
real answer to.
Without knowing the specifics of the program, any answer given will just be
a guess.
Is the program Vista compatible?


Yes it is compatiable.
Work fine but just slow at calculations.
And the calculations are not hard ones...
If compared to what the games are calculating.

Ken Blake, MVP

This is what I also think. But my point has nothing to do with ram as I
mentioned above....
Games which needs high performance works well, but only my statistics
program does not....

I am only asking a simple, specific question.
Why are we discussing this fastness anyway....

You asked "2 gb is enough i think and it already works smoothly...
why one needs 4?" I replied to that question alone.

I am seeking an answer t my problem.
Why my statistics program works slower while it is supposed to work fast...

I have no idea.


Games will be ofloading a lot of work to the graphics card, whereas your
stats program will be using the processor. I wonder if this is a software
specific issue rather than just "Vista being slow".

If you look at processor utilization in task manager whilst the stats
package is running do you see it maxing out one (or both) of your cores. I
suspect that'll just be the one core unless it's optimised for multicore

Also, check memory usage whilst the program is calculating, are you seeing
lots of page faults?

Windows (any version of) is a complex beast. Your question isn't that simple
nor that specific. Provide more detail and we may be able to help you better.

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