Performance Issue (Winforms)


James Hancock

I have a very weird thing happening:

I have a Pentium M 1.7 ghz Dell Laptop here and a P4 3.2 GHZ Hyperthreaded
machine. Both have 1 gig of ram. the P4 3.2 GHZ has a 15,000 rpm scsi drive
in it. (translation, WAY FAST)

The strange thing is that our project uses very large winforms (couple of
hundred controls on tabs etc.) All of the forms are inheritied from our
base form class. The Pentium M loads these forms in < 1 second in release
compiled mode. The P4 takes 2-3 seconds to open the same window. Both are
attached to a sql server on another machine that's a server using Gigabit
ethernet. Both are running the program from the local drive.

I tried disabling hyperthreading on the P4 and it didn't matter.

Why is there such a large difference in speed? And how do I get the P4 (and
Athlons) to run as fast as the Pentium M? I know that the PM is a fast
little sucker, but this is NUTS!

I tried another PM 1.4 ghz and while it wasn't as fast as the 1.7, it still
smoked the P4. Hell the 1.7 smokes the P4 when it's running debug code from 2003 and the P4 is running release code with nothing else running.

My next test was to ngen on the P4 to see if that mattered. Sped it up
slightly but not much at all. I'm stumped.

Thanks for any advice you can give me!

James Hancock

Jochen Kalmbach


James Hancock

Both connect to the database using the same switch and I've disabled all
other connections. I even used the same network cable connected to the same

I also tried installing MSDE locally on both machines and running it that
way. No change.

James Hancock

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