Perfect Disk offline defrag pass is SLOW!!!



Last night I performed an offine defrag pass on C:, and it took 24 minutes
to analyze and another 29 minutes to defragment the page file, master file
tables, and directories. The total time of the pass was 53 minutes. Is this
normal? If not, how can I speed it up? Any comments would be appreciated!

RAM: 512MB
pagefile.sys: 766MB
Proc. Spd.: 733MHz
Drive type: FAT32


Impossible to say if it were normal since we don't know when you defragged
last. Do it once a week and you'll see.

Gerry Cornell

No disk size either!


Hope this helps.


Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.



JP said:
Defrag weekly, both offline and online. Disk size is 10GB.

With a 10BGB HD, check the free space. You should target at least
400-500GB free space for XP, and if the disk is heavily fragmented even
that might not be enough for the offline defrag to proceed efficiently.
Since the offline defrag does not take care of the bulk of the disk, a
general online defrag might be necessary to provide sufficient free
space for a speedy offline defrag.



400 to 500 giga bytes on a 10 gigabyte file???
Quaoar said:
With a 10BGB HD, check the free space. You should target at least
400-500GB free space for XP, and if the disk is heavily fragmented even
that might not be enough for the offline defrag to proceed efficiently.
Since the offline defrag does not take care of the bulk of the disk, a
general online defrag might be necessary to provide sufficient free
space for a speedy offline defrag.



If defragging weekly and it takes that long something is wrong. Something may
be interrupting the defrag operation. Try this trick. Start the defrag and
then click the start button and let it sit or, run defrag in safe mode..

Gerry Cornell


A 10 gb hard disk is small for XP. That may be the problem! How much free
space on the hard disk? You can obtain this information by double clicking
the My Computer icon on your Desktop. Place the cursor on your C drive,
select Properties and the information will be displayed.

How old is the computer? What was the original version of Windows when
bought new? When and how did you install Windows XP.

Before running Perfect Disk perform other routine housekeeping first. A
suggested routine may include:

1. In Outlook Express empty your Deleted Items folder.
2. In Outlook Express run File, Folder, Compact All whilst OFFLINE.
3. Run Disk Cleanup. Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk
Cleanup with
Temporary Internet Files, Offline Web Pages (optional), System Restore (
more Options tab )
and Recycle Bin selected for deletion. If you have more than one drive /
partition you may
need to do this operation for each drive / partition.
4. Remove Cookies. Start, Control Panel, Internet Options, General, Delete
5. Run Perfect Disk.

You should run ALL housekeeping tasks whilst Offline and do not carry out
other activities whilst they are in progress!



Hope this helps.


Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.



My computer is a Dell Dimension 4100. I have two identical systems, one for
personal use, and the other for business. The personal (not this one)
machine runs an offline pass much faster. Both have 10GB C: drives. Neither
of them is above 50% full. I also have a second harddrive on this machine
where I install new programs and download files. All that is on C is system
files and support utilities. Is there something I can do with the free


What you are talking about is an online defrag, and that seems to work just
fine. The offline defrag is the one that is slow. It happens at boot up, so
nothing else should be running. My next step is to perform a logged boot
with an offline pass.

Gerry Cornell


You may have less free space than you think.

To see what is on your hard drive you may need to change a number of
settings. Select Start, Control Panel, Folder Options, View, Advanced
Settings, and check "Show hidden files and folders". Whilst there uncheck
"Hide File Extensions". Also check "Display the contents of system folders".

These will reveal most files but System Restore points are held in a System
Volume Information sub-folder on each drive or partition -in XP there is one
for each partition and these will still remain hidden. The restore points
for the system partition can get very large, especially if you uninstall and
reinstall programmes. They can fragment into many pieces. The system permits
the creation of many more restore points than most users really need. This
is why I mentioned the option to remove contained in Disk Cleanup in my
earlier message.

How to Gain Access to the System Volume Information Folder;en-us;309531&Product=winxp

Do you use any Symantec / Norton utilities. Norton Protected Storage hides
large files which users often don't realise are there.

As well as the System Volume Information folder the system partition often
contains a large MFT folder ( Master File Table ) and usually the
pagefile.sys file. You cannot defragment the MFT folder which typically
should be in 2, more often three, fragments. The page file and free space
can become very fragmented if not defragmented regularly, more so as the
partition fills up. and this may be what you are encountering. Do other
housekeeping before running Disk Defragmenter.



Hope this helps.


Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.



I have ran all sorts of clean up applications, and it still takes close to
an hour. I do have Norton, but the part that protects files is disabled.
This is an offline pass I am talking about, so Norton would not even be
loaded yet. I have turned off the setting in folder properties for hiding
system files and folders. I am going to just keep working on it to see what
is causing it. I am going to go through Norton with a fine-toothed comb to
see what all needs to be disabled or enabled. Online passes go by quicky,
perhaps 15 minutes or so. Is there something that needs to load before PD in
an offline pass?

I really do appreciate all the advice and suggestions though.

Thanks folks,


I guess that is about as good as it is going to get. Took a lot of cleaning
to get it there, but now there isn't much to complain about. Thanks again

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